Subject: kern/10231: panic in soft dependence code
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/30/2000 01:51:10
>Number: 10231
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: panic in soft dependence code
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: kern-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue May 30 01:52:00 PDT 2000
>Originator: Matthias Scheler
>Release: 2000/05/30
Matthias Scheler
System: NetBSD 1.4Z (LYSSA) #0: Tue May 30 10:13:15 CEST 2000
My system crashed several times this morning. After the 3rd crash I was
able to get a kernel dump:
panic: softdep_fsync: pending ops
#0 0x104 in ?? ()
#1 0xc0234aa3 in cpu_reboot ()
#2 0xc014ff15 in panic ()
#3 0xc0239b85 in trap ()
#4 0xc0100cf1 in calltrap ()
#5 0xc0150385 in printf ()
#6 0xc012e6cc in db_printsym ()
#7 0xc0232e77 in db_stack_trace_print ()
#8 0xc014fee4 in panic ()
#9 0xc02a5ce6 in softdep_fsync ()
#10 0xc016e899 in sys_fsync ()
#11 0xc023a14f in syscall ()
#12 0xc0100d9d in syscall1 ()
can not access 0xbfbfb4ac, invalid translation (invalid PDE)
can not access 0xbfbfb4ac, invalid translation (invalid PDE)
Cannot access memory at address 0xbfbfb4ac.
Do some heavy disk activity e.g. a package rebuild with a current kernel
compiled from 2000/05/29 or 2000/05/30 sources.
Sorry, I don't know. Downgrading to a kernel compiled from 2000/05/23 sources
seems to avoid the problem.