Subject: Re: misc/10243: rc.d/sendmail should not exit if [ -f /etc/ ]
To: Keith Moore <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/01/2000 11:56:06
>> f*ck, IMO, should never have moved.
>yeah, if you maintain sendmail on a large number of platforms
>it's a royal pain in the wazoo to have to put in
>a different place on each one. but at least that problem can
>be solved with symlinks in a way works on every platform.
I think that is the problem sendmail guys are trying to address
with /etc/mail migration in 8.10. if all the unixes moves to
/etc/mail, it will give us uniform location for configuration file.
(note that some vendor unixes already put in different
in transition period, yes there's a pain.
now, what does netbsd want to do?
- use /etc/mail as sendmail 8.10 and beyond suggests, no local changes.
get long-time users question that says "why is the change?" during
transition period
- use /etc like traditional way, maintain local change against sendmail,
and, and get newbie questions that says "all other
platforms put in /etc/mail, and why netbsd puts it in
/etc?" forever.
- stick with sendmail 8.8 or 8.9 and fix all the security holes by
ourselves, no new features. get questions like "why not 8.11?"
- no sendmail shipped with netbsd, use pkgsrc. get questions like
"why no sendmail?"
If we ship sendmail with netbsd default installation, I personal
vote goes to's decision. with less local changes we
can maintain it in less cost.