Subject: pkg/10762: 1.4.2 i386 binary packages process dependencies incorrectly.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/05/2000 01:52:11
>Number: 10762
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: 1.4.2 i386 binary packages process dependencies incorrectly.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: pkg-manager
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Aug 05 01:53:00 PDT 2000
>Originator: Todd Whitesel
>Release: 1.4.2
NetBSD (developer)
Two PC's running fresh 1.4.2 i386 installs. Packages were installed
from a local CD-ROM containing most of the All directory from nbftp.
System: NetBSD cycle 1.4.2 NetBSD 1.4.2 (GENERIC) #3: Wed Mar 15 23:41:54 PST 2000 i386
A new 1.4.2 user trying to pkg_add binary packages from
is going to have a frustrating experience. Some packages will install
without their dependencies, and fail to run. Others will refuse to
install because of a fictional missing dependency, even when the needed
package is available (or has already been seperately installed!).
Mailing list discussion suggests that the 1.4.2 pkg_add is outdated
and should have refused to run with the newer packages. This is lame!
The shipped packages should always work with the shipped base system.
Install a 1.4.2 system. Download lots of packages from
Use pkg_add. Be frustrated by the annoying behavior.
Two specific examples:
1. You can pkg_add XF86Setup but it won't run.
However, once you install perl, then XF86Setup WILL run.
(It has been asserted that XF86Setup depends on Tcl/Tk and
not perl, however I have verified that the problem system does
NOT have Tcl/Tk installed, and it was after we installed perl
that XF86Setup began working. I do not understand this.)
2. Try to install navigator-4.7, it will claim that suse>=6.1
is not available, even after suse*-6.3 have been installed.
Not sure. Best to let the pkg gurus meditate on this one.