>Number: 11205 >Category: standards >Synopsis: POSIX.2: at -t <time> isn't supported >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: standards-manager >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: net >Arrival-Date: Thu Oct 12 15:54:00 PDT 2000 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Ben Harris >Release: 2000-02-07 >Organization: >Environment: NetBSD cromarty 1.4X NetBSD 1.4X (CROMARTY) #9: Wed May 3 23:49:51 BST 2000 bjh21@cromarty:/usr/src/sys/arch/macppc/compile/CROMARTY macppc >Description: [ This is likely to be the first of a slew of reports based on the POSIX.2 User Portability Utilities Option (POSIX2_UPE). If people don't think NetBSD should be trying to follow this, they should stop me before I report the whole lot. ] POSIX.2 specifies "at" as taking a -t <time> option, where <time> is in the same format as is used by touch -t (and NetBSD's "date", for that matter). NetBSD's "at" doesn't accept such an option. >How-To-Repeat: cromarty:~$ at -t 12250900 at: illegal option -- t Usage: at [-V] [-q x] [-f file] [-m] time at [-V] -c job [job ...] atq [-V] [-q x] [-v] atrm [-V] job [job ...] batch [-V] [-f file] [-m] >Fix: -- Ben Harris <bjh21@netbsd.org> Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26 <URL:http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/arm26/> >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: