Subject: RE: Strange FTP behaviour
To: '' <>
From: Tom Haapanen <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 12/19/2000 08:51:59
>On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Tom Haapanen wrote:
>> Name ( jack
>> 331 Password required for jack.
>> ftp> pwd
>> 257 "/u/jackjack" is the current directory.
>> Where can I look for misconfiguration?  Or have I stumbled onto a real

Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> It's a feature, not a bug. 8-)
> Traditionally Unix shows you the absolute path when logged in as
> non-anonymous user - after all why shouldn't they wander around on the
> file system. I guess you can change this by setting all useres
> (explicitly) as chroot or something - see /etc/ftpchroot.
> Why this confuses your users is beyond me, though. :)

Sorry, I should have been more explicit.  Yes, I would expect the full path,
and this is indeed the behaviour I do want.

However, Jack's home directory is "/u/jack" -- and yet using the FTP
connection, he is seeing it as "/u/jackjack".  Somehow the directory name is
being doubled.  Why?  How?  How can I avoid this?  And why do my 1.4.1
systems not double the name?

I hope this makes more sense ...

Tom Haapanen
Software Metrics Inc.
Waterloo, ON, Canada