Subject: port-vax/13333: bw_pipe hangs on vax with NEW_PIPE
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/28/2001 18:23:41
>Number:         13333
>Category:       port-vax
>Synopsis:       bw_pipe hangs on vax with NEW_PIPE
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    port-vax-maintainer
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jun 28 09:22:00 PDT 2001
>Originator:     Manuel Bouyer
>Release:        1.5W as of 2 days ago.

System: NetBSD 1.5U NetBSD 1.5U (CORDOUAN) #3: Tue Apr 24 08:15:07 MEST 2001 vax

MicroVAX 3300, 12Mb RAM, diskless

	While benchmarking the NEW_PIPE code, the bw_pipe benchmark (from
	the hbench-1.0 suite) hung for transfersize of 262144 or 524288.
	Smaller transfer sizes (I tried 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536,
	131072) works fine. The old pipe code also works fine for all
	transfer sizes (4k -> 512k).
	The hung processes looks like (ps -axlw):
331 175  103   4  10  0  536  312 wait     S+   p0 0:01.43 /usr/pkg/bin/hbench/netbsd1.5-vax/bw_pipe 10 524288 
331 176  175  20  -6  0  536  132 pipdwt   S+   p0 0:01.42 /usr/pkg/bin/hbench/netbsd1.5-vax/bw_pipe 10 524288 

	install hbench 1.0 from pub/NetBSD/packages/1.5/vax/All/hbench-1.0.tgz
	Run /usr/pkg/bin/hbench/netbsd1.5-vax/bw_pipe 10 262144
	Workaround: remove "options NEW_PIPE" and recompile kernel.