Subject: pkg/13795: Package games/crafty is at new version
To: None <>
From: John <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/27/2001 15:48:09
>Number: 13795
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: Package games/crafty is at new version
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: pkg-manager
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Aug 27 12:44:00 PDT 2001
>Originator: John Klos
>Release: NetBSD 1.5.1
Sixgirls Computing Labs
System: NetBSD reva 1.5.2_ALPHA NetBSD 1.5.2_ALPHA (REVA) #0: Sat Aug 4 01:06:45 EDT 2001 jean@reva:/usr/src/sys/arch/amiga/compile/REVA amiga
Package games/crafty is at version 18.10; the files that get downloaded when trying to build 18.9 fail the checksum.
cd /usr/pkgsrc/games/crafty && make
Update package to download and build crafty 18.10.