Subject: port-alpha/13796: display problems on TGA console
To: None <>
From: Christian Groessler <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/27/2001 22:52:27
>Number: 13796
>Category: port-alpha
>Synopsis: display problems on TGA console
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: port-alpha-maintainer
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Aug 27 13:49:01 PDT 2001
>Originator: Christian Groessler
>Release: NetBSD-current 24-aug-01
System: NetBSD alpha 1.5X NetBSD 1.5X (SIXTYFOUR) #0: Sun Aug 26 02:38:56 CEST 2001 chris@alpha:/net/swamp/zeug/netbsd-chkout/sys/arch/alpha/compile/SIXTYFOUR alpha
Architecture: alpha
Machine: alpha
Sometimes when scrolling a line to the right (e.g. with bash)
the display gets garbled. This depends on the lenght of the line and
where the scrolling starts.
- use e.g. bash
- type very long command line (almost whole x size)
- put the cursor somewhere in the right third of the line and
type characters, causing the right part of the line to be
scrolled to the right
- watch garbage displayed at start of the line
The problem was, the after the for loops for scrolling right
in tga_rop_vtov (sys/dev/pci/tga.c) there was no check whether x
really has been decremented by the loop (it wouldn't if the loop
condition initially was not met) and always "fixed" that
Here's a patch:
Index: tga.c
RCS file: /net/swamp/zeug/netbsd-rsync/main/syssrc/sys/dev/pci/tga.c,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -p -r1.35 tga.c
--- tga.c 2001/08/05 18:07:54 1.35
+++ tga.c 2001/08/18 00:32:44
@@ -1057,6 +1058,7 @@ tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src
int xstart, xend, xdir;
int ystart, yend, ydir, yinc;
int xleft, lastx, lastleft;
+ int adjust, adjust2 = 0;
int offset = 1 * dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_vvbr_units;
@@ -1118,8 +1120,10 @@ tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src
for (y = ystart; (ydir * y) <= (ydir * yend); y += yinc) {
+ xleft = wb;
/* 4*64 byte chunks */
- for (xleft = wb, x = xstart;
+ for (x = xstart;
x <= xend && xleft >= 4*64;
x += XINC256, xleft -= XINC256) {
@@ -1165,8 +1169,10 @@ tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src
for (y = ystart; (ydir * y) <= (ydir * yend); y += yinc) {
+ xleft = wb;
/* 4*64 byte chunks */
- for (xleft = wb, x = xstart;
+ for (x = xstart, adjust = 0;
x >= xend && xleft >= 4*64;
x -= XINC256, xleft -= XINC256) {
@@ -1184,17 +1190,24 @@ tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src
TGAWALREG(dc, TGA_REG_GCDR, 2, tga_dstb + y + x + 1 * 64);
TGAWALREG(dc, TGA_REG_GCSR, 3, tga_srcb + y + x + 0 * 64);
TGAWALREG(dc, TGA_REG_GCDR, 3, tga_dstb + y + x + 0 * 64);
+ adjust = 1;
- if (xleft) x += XINC256 - XINC64;
+ if (adjust) {
+ if (xleft) x += XINC256;
+ if (xleft >= XINC64) x -= XINC64;
+ adjust2 = 1;
+ }
/* 64 byte chunks */
- for ( ; x >= xend && xleft >= 64;
- x -= XINC64, xleft -= XINC64) {
+ for (adjust = 0; x >= xend && xleft >= 64;
+ x -= XINC64, xleft -= XINC64) {
TGAWALREG(dc, TGA_REG_GCSR, 0, tga_srcb + y + x + 0 * 64);
TGAWALREG(dc, TGA_REG_GCDR, 0, tga_dstb + y + x + 0 * 64);
+ adjust = 1;
- if (xleft) x += XINC64 - XINC4;
+ if (xleft && adjust) x += XINC64;
+ if (xleft >= XINC4 && (adjust || adjust2)) x -= XINC4;
lastx = x; lastleft = xleft; /* remember for CPU loop */
TGAWALREG(dc, TGA_REG_GOPR, 0, 0x0003); /* op -> dst = src */