Subject: pkg/13886: new package: gkrellm-snmp - an snmp plugin for gkrellm
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/07/2001 01:02:03
>Number:         13886
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       new package: gkrellm-snmp - an snmp plugin for gkrellm
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Sep 06 17:03:00 PDT 2001
>Originator:     Jasper Wallace
>Release:        NetBSD 1.5.2
When Ted's fixing your computer at a quarter past one, eat your
Whopper  with cheese in his face. He functions better when he's
slightly dizzy from hunger.
[see:]           [0x2ECA0975]
System: NetBSD jellycat 1.5.2 NetBSD 1.5.2 (JELLYCAT) #1: Wed Aug 22 14:21:19 BST 2001 jasper@jellycat:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/JELLYCAT i386

	gkrellm-snmp is a plugin for gkrellm that can show the value of an
	oid on an snmp enabled device.

	package tarball: