Subject: toolchain/14615: make with MAKEOBJDIR set behaves strange on sub-makes
To: None <>
From: Juergen Hannken-Illjes <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/17/2001 16:34:57
>Number: 14615
>Category: toolchain
>Synopsis: make with MAKEOBJDIR set behaves strange on sub-makes
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: bin-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Nov 17 07:35:01 PST 2001
>Originator: Juergen Hannken-Illjes
>Release: NetBSD 1.5Y as of Nov 16, 2001
TU Braunschweig / EIS
System: NetBSD 1.5Y (CUSTOM) #75: Fri Nov 16 10:54:43 MET 2001
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
make(1) contains logic to check the shell commands for occurences
of `make' or `${MAKE}' commands. If MAKEOBJDIR is set and a shell
command contains `make' and this is not preceded by a `chdir' or
`cd' the command will run in ${.SRCDIR}. This behaviour is not
documented outside the code (main.c). The logic is buggy as it
doesn't detect commands after `if', `then' etc.
Run the following shell script and try to explain the result:
#! /bin/sh
mkdir -p /tmp/test/src /tmp/test/obj
cat <<'EOF' >/tmp/test/src/Makefile
a b0 c0 d0:
@echo "${.TARGET}: src `pwd`"
@${MAKE} b0
@cd . && ${MAKE} c0
@if true; then cd . && ${MAKE} d0; fi
cat <<'EOF' >/tmp/test/obj/Makefile
a b c d b0 c0 d0:
@echo "${.TARGET}: obj `pwd`"
export MAKEOBJDIR='${.CURDIR:C,^/tmp/test/src,//tmp/test/obj,}'
(cd /tmp/test/src && make a b c d)
My result is:
a: src /tmp/test/obj
b0: src /tmp/test/obj
c0: obj /tmp/test/obj
d0: src /tmp/test/obj
1. update the documentation so the current behaviour is documented
and fix the simple shell parser.
2. simply remove the chdir-checks and correct the offending Makefiles.