Subject: port-arm32/16064: make release without zip
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/26/2002 14:38:40
>Number:         16064
>Category:       port-arm32
>Synopsis:       make release without zip installed
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    port-arm32-maintainer
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Mar 26 06:39:00 PST 2002
>Originator:     Patrick Welche
>Release:        NetBSD 1.5ZB
acorn32 (RiscPC with SA)
make release bombs out if you haven't installed zip (which isn't part
of the base system)
The first 2 bits take care of the non-existence of zip. The 3rd bit is
just bringing wd0d into line with the other files.
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/distrib/acorn32/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -p -r1.8 Makefile
*** Makefile	2002/03/06 13:27:22	1.8
--- Makefile	2002/03/26 14:16:31
*************** SUBDIR=		ramdisk kernels
*** 13,32 ****
  RAMDISKOBJ!=	cd ${.CURDIR}/ramdisk && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
  KERNELOBJ!=	cd ${.CURDIR}/kernels && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
  release: check_RELEASEDIR
  	${IINST} ${RAMDISKOBJ}/ramdisk.fs ${ITARGET}/misc/ramdisk-${DISTRIBREV}.fs
! 	gzip -9 ${ITARGET}/misc/ramdisk-${DISTRIBREV}.fs
  .for kern in ${KERNELS}
  	${IINST} ${KERNELOBJ}/netbsd.${kern}.gz ${ITARGET}/kernel/
! 	cd ${_SRC_TOP_}/sys/arch/acorn32/stand && \
! 		./export-BtNetBSD && \
! 		rm -f ${ITARGET}/misc/BtNetBSD.tgz && \
! 		gzip -9 -c BtNetBSD.tar > ${ITARGET}/misc/BtNetBSD.tgz && \
! 		rm -f BtNetBSD.tar && \
! 		mv -f ${ITARGET}/misc && \
! 	${IINST} ${DISTRIBDIR}/notes/acorn32/prep.RISCOS ${RELEASEDIR}/ && \
! 	cd ${.CURDIR} && \
! 		rm -f ${ITARGET}/misc/gzip_ff8.bin && \
! 		uudecode < gzip_ff8.bin.uue && \
! 		mv -f gzip_ff8.bin ${ITARGET}/misc/
--- 13,34 ----
  RAMDISKOBJ!=	cd ${.CURDIR}/ramdisk && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
  KERNELOBJ!=	cd ${.CURDIR}/kernels && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
+ STAND=	${_SRC_TOP_}/sys/arch/acorn32/stand
  release: check_RELEASEDIR
  	${IINST} ${RAMDISKOBJ}/ramdisk.fs ${ITARGET}/misc/ramdisk-${DISTRIBREV}.fs
! 	gzip -f9 ${ITARGET}/misc/ramdisk-${DISTRIBREV}.fs
  .for kern in ${KERNELS}
  	${IINST} ${KERNELOBJ}/netbsd.${kern}.gz ${ITARGET}/kernel/
! 	(cd ${STAND} && ./export-BtNetBSD)
! 	rm -f ${ITARGET}/misc/BtNetBSD.tgz
! 	gzip -9 -c ${STAND}/BtNetBSD.tar > ${ITARGET}/misc/BtNetBSD.tgz
! 	rm -f ${STAND}/BtNetBSD.tar
! .if exists(
! 	mv -f ${STAND}/ ${ITARGET}/misc
! .endif
! 	${IINST} ${DISTRIBDIR}/notes/acorn32/prep.RISCOS ${RELEASEDIR}/
! 	rm -f ${ITARGET}/misc/gzip_ff8.bin
! 	uudecode < gzip_ff8.bin.uue
! 	mv -f gzip_ff8.bin ${ITARGET}/misc/
Index: export-BtNetBSD
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/acorn32/stand/export-BtNetBSD,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -r1.4 export-BtNetBSD
*** export-BtNetBSD	2002/02/15 21:49:40	1.4
--- export-BtNetBSD	2002/03/26 14:31:09
*************** cd ..
*** 49,58 ****
  # make the tar file
  rm -f ${CURDIR}/BtNetBSD.tar ${CURDIR}/
  tar cf ${CURDIR}/BtNetBSD.tar BtNetBSD
! zip -r ${CURDIR}/ BtNetBSD
  rm -rf BtNetBSD
  # back to our origional directory (nessisary?)
  cd ${CURDIR}
--- 49,59 ----
  # make the tar file
  rm -f ${CURDIR}/BtNetBSD.tar ${CURDIR}/
  tar cf ${CURDIR}/BtNetBSD.tar BtNetBSD
! if type zip > /dev/null
! then zip -r ${CURDIR}/ BtNetBSD
! fi
  rm -rf BtNetBSD
  # back to our origional directory (nessisary?)
  cd ${CURDIR}
Index: wd0d
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/acorn32/stand/BtNetBSD/pling.BtNetBSD/native/wd0d,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -p -r1.1 wd0d
*** wd0d	2001/10/05 22:28:03	1.1
--- wd0d	2002/03/26 14:29:42
*** 1,3 ****
  | $NetBSD: wd0d,v 1.1 2001/10/05 22:28:03 reinoud Exp $
! <Obey$Dir>.mountufs ADFS wd0d
--- 1,3 ----
  | $NetBSD: wd0d,v 1.1 2001/10/05 22:28:03 reinoud Exp $
! <Obey$Dir>.mountufs ADFS 4 d
 Source of 12 March 2002 19:46 GMT