Subject: Re: standards/16334: Version of NetBSD on older systems
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/13/2002 18:55:02
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On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 04:57:47AM -0700, wrote:
> NetBSD is very interesting to do things with different kind of
> computers. Me and some friends have a collection of old computers.
> Running your linux may be very interesting and exciting for us.
Hrm. So Linux is like Kleenex these days. Swell.
Fwiw, NetBSD is derived from BSD Unix. Linux isn't derived from any
kind of Unix, but rather implemented from scratch to look something
like the bastard child of SysV and BSD Unix.
> Could we expect a version for logabax, or more interesting, for
> a little ORIC-1 or ORIC ATMOS for example ?
Not unless a developer has one, you're willing to donate yours to a
developer, or you're willing to do the development.
(It's basically impossible to port to a given architecture without
having a machine of that architecture to work with.)
> Write to you ?
Not as a bug-report, please. (Lack of support may be considered a
bug, I guess, but that's not really what the GNATS system is used
In any case, just asking is probably not enough. :^> If you've got
the technical know-how, get started. You might want to get started
by running NetBSD on an architecture you have and we support, take
part in the port- mailing list for that architecture to get a feel
for NetBSD, then see about porting to the architectures you'd like
to see support for.
If you'd prefer to just lend or donate your machines to an
interested developer, follow the directions on:
gabriel rosenkoetter
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