Subject: kern/16559: ALTQ and IPNAT do not mix well.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/29/2002 13:18:07
>Number: 16559
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: ALTQ and IPNAT do not mix well.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: kern-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Apr 29 13:19:00 PDT 2002
>Originator: Sergey Svishchev
>Release: 1.5-current (1.5Y)
Most, if not all, traffic that passes IPNAT on ALTQ-enabled kernel with ALTQ active, is not classified by ALTQ (and thus is not subjected to any limits set in altq.conf).
Index: if_ethersubr.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/net/if_ethersubr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -r1.89 if_ethersubr.c
--- if_ethersubr.c 2001/10/17 08:23:05 1.89
+++ if_ethersubr.c 2002/02/20 16:39:27
@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@
struct altq_pktattr *pktattr)
struct ether_header *eh;
+ struct mbuf *n;
u_int16_t ether_type;
int hlen, af, hdrsize;
caddr_t hdr;
@@ -589,11 +590,15 @@
* Ethernet and protocol header not in a single
* mbuf. We can't cope with this situation right
* now (but it shouldn't ever happen, really, anyhow).
- * XXX Should use m_pulldown().
+ * XXX Should use m_pulldown(). -- Now what?
- printf("altq_etherclassify: headers span multiple mbufs: "
- "%d < %d\n", m->m_len, (hlen + hdrsize));
- goto bad;
+ n = m_pulldown(m, 0, hlen + hdrsize, NULL);
+ if (n == NULL) {
+ printf("altq_etherclassify: headers span multiple mbufs: "
+ "%d < %d\n", m->m_len, (hlen + hdrsize));
+ goto bad;
+ } else
+ m = n;
m->m_data += hlen;