Subject: pkg/16813: request to remove fonts/mkttfdir
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/14/2002 22:43:12
>Number: 16813
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: request to remove fonts/mkttfdir
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: pkg-manager
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue May 14 07:45:00 PDT 2002
>Originator: Rui-Xiang Guo
>Release: NetBSD 1.5ZC
System: NetBSD rxgpc.u2online 1.5ZC NetBSD 1.5ZC (HIVE) #0: Tue May 14 14:11:21 CST 2002 rxg@rxgpc.u2online:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/HIVE i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
request to remove fonts/mkttfdir - the game is over...
I must admit, mkttfdir is a poor tool but it has been in pkgsrc
so long, sorry. It is pretty bad for dealing with TTF of large volume
in the directory - spent too much time for processing.
Here are some data for comparing:
rxgpc[/home/rxg/collect/ttf/ms-ttf]% ls
ARIAL.ttf* Arialni.ttf* COURBI.ttf* SYMBOL.ttf* VERDANAB.ttf*
ARIALBD.ttf* Bookos.ttf* COURI.ttf* TAHOMA.ttf* VERDANAI.ttf*
ARIALBI.ttf* Bookosbi.ttf* Gara.ttf* TAHOMABD.ttf* VERDANAZ.ttf*
ARIALI.ttf* Bookosi.ttf* Garabd.ttf* TIMES.ttf* WEBDINGS.ttf*
ARIBLK.ttf* COMIC.ttf* Garait.ttf* TIMESBD.ttf* WINGDING.ttf*
Arialn.ttf* COMICBD.ttf* IMPACT.ttf* TIMESBI.ttf* bookosb.ttf*
Arialnb.ttf* COUR.ttf* LUCON.ttf* TIMESI.ttf*
Arialnbi.ttf* COURBD.ttf* MARLETT.ttf* VERDANA.ttf*
rxgpc[/home/rxg/collect/ttf/ms-ttf]% time mkttfdir
2.337u 5.049s 0:21.35 34.5% 0+0k 29+52io 225pf+0w
rxgpc[/home/rxg/collect/ttf/ms-ttf]% time mkttfdir --freetype
1.798u 4.244s 0:18.61 32.4% 0+0k 0+57io 0pf+0w
rxgpc[/home/rxg/collect/ttf/ms-ttf]% time mkfontscale
0.861u 0.039s 0:01.18 75.4% 0+0k 2+6io 9pf+0w
rxgpc[/home/rxg/collect/ttf/ms-ttf]% time mkfontalias
0.121u 0.018s 0:00.60 21.6% 0+0k 13+5io 40pf+0w
Now, I (the maintainer) request to remove it from our pkgsrc and
let's enjoy with mkfontscale and mkfontalias.
BTW, another pkg fonts/arphicttf also need to be tweaked when mkttfdir
be removed. I think it is the time to change this pkg's name. :)
I suggest to remove fonts/arphicttf then import another pkg:
fonts/arphic-ttf. Please fetch from:
Hope we could adopt this style: <fontname>-ttf-<version> as the
pkg's name of TrueType fonts in future.
Then if we want to convert the TrueType fonts into other formats, like
Type1, we could create another pkg: <fontname>-type1-<version>.