Subject: pkg/17098: Need perl to use the manual of w3m.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/29/2002 06:40:23
>Number: 17098
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: Need perl to use the manual of w3m.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: pkg-manager
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed May 29 06:41:00 PDT 2002
>Originator: Yasushi Oshima
>Release: NetBSD 1.6 BETA1, pkgsrc-current
NetBSD x68030 1.6_BETA1 NetBSD 1.6_BETA1 (X68K) #1: Wed May 29 15:14:06
JST 2002 oshima@apple:/usr/src/sys/arch/x68k/compile/X68K x68k
The w3m uses perl for its manuals, and has to know the path
to perl command at the building time.
If perl is not installed, the building of w3m does not correct
as the follows:
PERL='perl: Command not found.' BIN_DIR='/usr/pkg/bin'
LIB_DIR='/usr/pkg/lib/w3m ' HELP_DIR='/usr/pkg/share/doc/w3m'
RC_DIR='~/.w3m'); done
sed -e 's%@PERL@%perl: Command not found.%g' -e 's%@NKF@%nkf%g' > multipart.cgi
chmod +x multipart.cgi
sed -e 's%@PERL@%perl: Command not found.%g' -e 's%@W3M@%w3m%g'
-e 's%@MAN@%man%g' -e 's%@LIB_DIR@%/usr/pkg/lib/w3m%g' > w3mman
chmod +x w3mman
sed -e 's%@PERL@%perl: Command not found.%g' -e 's%@W3M@%w3m%g'
-e 's%@MAN@%man%g' -e 's%@LIB_DIR@%/usr/pkg/lib/w3m%g' > w3mman2html.cgi
chmod +x w3mman2html.cgi
sed -e 's%@PERL@%perl: Command not found.%g' -e 's%@W3M@%w3m%g'
-e 's%@MAN@%man%g' -e 's%@LIB_DIR@%/usr/pkg/lib/w3m%g' > w3mman.1
chmod +x w3mman.1
Make the w3m without perl package.