Subject: bin/18146: typos in man pages
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/02/2002 05:12:43
>Number: 18146
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: typos in man pages
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Sep 02 05:13:00 PDT 2002
>Originator: Adrian Mrva
>Release: 1.5.2
The fix is self-explanatory.
gif.4 -- configued -> configured
tunnelled -> tunneled
guspnp.4 -- propably -> probably
PCIBIOS.4, pcibios.4 -- configuraion -> configuration
apm.4 -- Managment -> Management
ipv6.4 -- specifcation -> specification
ipf.4 -- initialised -> initialized
occured -> occurred
recognise -> recognize
independantly -> independently
ess.4 -- vaues -> values
f{t,p,e}a.4 -- mininum -> minimum
ipkdb.4 -- intial -> initial
ipnat.4 -- strcture -> structure
Recognised -> Recognized
ipsec.4 -- commuication -> communication
tunnelled -> tunneled
iso.4 -- nework -> network
isp.4 -- withough -> without
lkm.4 -- sytem -> system
defitions -> definitions
mixer.4 -- ocurred -> occurred
scn.4 -- independant -> independent
pcdisplay.4 -- indended -> intended
pcic.4 -- accomodate -> accommodate
pckbc.4 -- ressource -> resource
auxillary -> auxiliary
pckdb.4 -- simultanously -> simultaneously
{pcppi,spkr,sysbeep}.4 -- ressource -> resource
asc.4 -- provies -> provides
asychronous -> asynchronous
dc.4 -- communcations -> communications
scc.4 -- provies -> provides
sii.4 -- asychronous -> asynchronous
puc.4 -- accomodated -> accommodated
raid.4 -- swapable -> swappable
rnd.4 -- sufficent -> sufficient
dl.4 -- recieve -> receive
tu.4 -- unuseable -> unusable
route.4 -- compatability -> compatibility
scsi{bus}.4 -- removeable -> removable
se.4 -- refered -> referred
sound.4 -- explicitely -> explicitly
ocurred -> occurred
speaker.4 -- modelled -> modeled
flatted -> flated
st.4 -- signalled -> signaled
stf.4 -- tunnelled -> tunneled
tunnelling -> tunneling
addrss -> address
appplied -> applied
termios.4 -- termianl -> terminal
tlp.4 -- conntected -> connected
umodem.4 -- multiplxed -> multiplexed
we.4 -- occassionally -> occasionally
wsdisplay.4 -- preferrably -> preferably
ec.4 -- occassionally -> occasionally
occurrs -> occurs
ddb.4 -- initialised -> initialized
cz.4 -- fimrware -> firmware
{card*,ccd,cbb}.4 -- immidiately -> immediately
audio.4 -- explicetely -> explicitly
ocurred -> occurred
ms.4 -- accomodate -> accommodate
atapi{bus}.4 -- removeable -> removable
atalk.4 -- implementataion -> implementation
ahc.4 -- dirver -> driver
yp_*.3 -- heaviliy -> heavily
{usleep,nice}.3 -- completition -> completion
nsdispatch.3 -- arbritrary -> arbitrary
implementated -> implemented
menus.3 -- facilties -> facilities
initialisation -> initialization
recognise -> recognize
menu_driver.3 -- recognise -> recognize
menu_{item_current,post}.3 -- initialisation -> initialization
menu_new.3 -- initialises -> initializes
menu_{cursor,win,mark,attributes}.3 -- initialisation -> initialization
recognise -> recognize
{list_*,tailq_*}.3 -- elemement -> element
{tputs,kvm_open*,termcap,tget*,tgoto}.3 -- initialse -> initialize
t_freent.3, bktr.4 -- initialise -> initialize
ldd.1 -- recognised -> recognized
lint.1 -- Defualts -> Defaults
labelled -> labeled
separetely -> separately
lock.1 -- challange -> challenge
mail.1, mailx.1 -- ommitted -> omitted
menuc.1 -- develooped -> developed
mixerctl.1 -- Continous -> Continuous
commmand -> command
msgc.1 -- genereated -> generated
nl.1 -- ommitted -> omitted
signalled -> signaled
signalling -> signaling
obsolscent -> obsolescent
pic.1 -- favour -> favor
parenthesised -> parenthesized
pkg_create.1 -- targetted -> targeted
pkg_delete.1 -- packges -> packages
ps.1 -- preceeding -> preceding
pwd.1 -- evironment -> environment
refer.1 -- hve -> have
sftp.1 -- Febuary -> February
sh.1 -- automaticly -> automatically
shlock.1 -- writeable -> writable
sysstat.1 -- cacheing -> caching
tn3270.1 -- signalling -> signaling
top.1 -- physial -> physical
troff.1 -- recognised -> recognized
uux.1, getopt.3 -- cancelled -> canceled
what.1 -- idenfication -> identification
bellctrl.1 -- paramter -> parameter
xargs.1 -- conjuction -> conjunction
ypwhich.1 -- ommitted -> omitted
arm32_sync_icache.2 -- synchorised -> synchronized
fdatasync.2 -- synchorised -> synchronized
eror -> error
fh{open,stat,statfs}.2 -- refered -> referred
respectivly -> respectively
i386_{get_ldt,set_ldt}.2 -- architecure -> architecture
lfs_bmapv.2 -- corrseponding -> corresponding
ptrace.2 -- This file is in the public domain. -> This file is public domain.
semctl.2 -- opration -> operation
alarm.3 -- proccess -> process
bswap*.3 -- intergers -> integers
catopen.3 -- availiable -> available
{seekdir,directory,opendir,dirfd,readdir,rewinddir,telldir}.3 -- searchs ->
dl*.3 -- refering -> referring
proces -> process
fparseln.3 -- dynamicaly -> dynamically
preceeding -> preceding
gethostby*.3 -- fuction -> function
getopt_long.3 -- completelely -> completely
inet6_option_*.3 -- constranints -> constraints
{iruserok*,orcmd*,rcmd*,rresvport,ruserok}.3 -- writeable -> writable
krb5_auth_context.3 -- authetication -> authentication
varius -> various
initilizes -> initializes
krb5_context.3 -- struture -> structure
krb5_init_context.3 -- configration -> configuration
krb5_openlog.3 -- unrecognised -> unrecognized
krb5_parse_name.3 -- princpal -> principal
krb5_unparse_name.3 -- decribed -> described
kvm_{getargv*,getenvv*,getproc*} -- sessiod -> session
core.5 -- preceeded -> preceded
recognised -> recognized
subsitued -> substituted
dhcpd.conf.5 -- seperation -> separation
Identifer -> Identifier
dir*.5 -- refered -> referred
disklabel.5 -- paritition -> partition
editrc.5 -- emptry -> empty
non-existant -> non-existent
ftpd.conf.5 -- espcially -> especially
intrepretation -> interpretation -- statments -> statements
groff_font.5 -- intepreted -> interpreted
ipf{.conf}.5 -- parseable -> parsable
prohibitied -> prohibited
recognised -> recognized
Customised -> Customized
conjuction -> conjunction
psuedo -> pseudo
ipnat{.conf}.5 -- recognised -> recognized
specificaton -> specification
simpliest -> simplest
instaces -> instances
ipsend.5 -- accomodate -> accommodate
releveant -> relevant
Expermental -> Experimental
recognised -> recognized
charcater -> character
Advertisment -> Advertisement
krb5.conf.5 -- recognised -> recognized
decribed -> described
compatability -> compatibility
link.5 -- refered -> referred
descibes -> describes
prefered -> preferred
lkm.conf.5 -- initialise -> initialize
magic.5 -- interpet -> interpret
map3270.5 -- preceeded -> preceded
mk.conf.5 -- non-existant -> non-existent
named.conf.5 -- dependant -> dependent
dynamicaly -> dynamically
includinga -> including a
cancelling -> canceling
statememnt -> statement
newsyslog.conf.5 -- useable -> usable
nnswitch.conf.5 -- authoritive -> authoritative
rc.conf.5 -- definative -> definitive
coresponding -> corresponding
admininstration -> administration
resolv.conf -- discourated -> discouraged
rtadvd.conf.5 -- positve -> positive
termcap.5 -- colour -> color
occured -> occurred
groff_mm.7 -- centerered -> centered
whitin -> within
argmuent -> argument
argumement -> argument
resetted -> reseted
specifed -> specified
intro.7 -- resoution -> resolution
packages.7 -- docuemnts -> documents
release.7 -- generatec -> generated
ac.8 -- appeard -> appeared
adduser.8 -- utilising -> utilizing
installboot.8 -- accellerator -> accelerator
addilabel.8 -- recognises -> recognizes
auxilliary -> auxiliary
preceeding -> preceding
labelled -> labeled
bootp{d,gv}.8 -- recoginzed -> recognized
nomally -> normally
ccdconfig.8 -- preceeding -> preceding
chat.8 -- substituion -> substitution
arbitary -> arbitrary
explicitely -> explicitly
dialling -> dialing
chrtbl.8 -- modelled -> modeled
compat_ibcs2.8 -- Compatibilty -> Compatibility
compat_{pecoff,win32}.8 -- Therfore -> Therefore
dhclient-script.8 -- reacquired -> required
dhcpd.8 -- associted -> associated
disklabel.8 -- labelled -> labeled
eeprom.8 -- proprty -> property
emables -> enables
Aviod -> Avoid
fdisk.8 -- procede -> precede
grfconfig.8 -- paramters -> parameters
groupinfo.8 -- recognised -> recognized
w95boot.8 -- automaticlly -> automatically
identd.8 -- homedirectory -> home directory
occurences -> occurrences
iostat.8 -- statisics -> statistics
ipf.8 -- conjuction -> conjunction
travelling -> traveling
recognised -> recognized
ipfs.8 -- comlete -> complete
ipfstat.8 -- postive -> positive
refreh -> refresh
ipmon.8 -- separted -> separated
paramters -> parameters
kadmin.8 -- allowd -> allowed
initialises -> initializes
ther -> their
kdc.8 -- autentication -> authentication
athentication -> authentication
availabe -> available
kerberos.8 -- organisation -> organization
local.8 -- adminstrator -> administrator
opional -> optional
lockd.8 -- reinitialising -> reinitializing
serialises -> serializes
boot.8 -- maintenence -> maintenance
mailstats.8 -- preceeded -> preceded
mbrlabel.8 -- othe -> other
mopd.8 -- normaly -> normally
mount.8 -- removeable -> removable
named.8 -- finshed -> finished
occured -> occurred
newbtconf.8 -- preceeded -> preceded
newsyslog.8 -- useable -> usable
ntpd.8 -- desireable -> desirable
ntpdate.8 -- outgoint -> outgoing
synchronise -> synchronize
ntpdc.8 -- funcation -> function
synchonization -> synchronization
synchonizing -> synchronizing
compatable -> compatible
ntpq.8 -- compatable -> compatible
funcation -> function
Folowing -> Following
assocation -> association
bim.8 -- develooped -> developed
peace.8 -- Therfore -> Therefore
ping6.8 -- adddress -> address
boot.8 -- seperated -> separated
installboot.8 -- accomodate -> accommodate
pvctxctl.8 -- inerface -> interface
{r}restore.8 -- sytem -> system
rip6query.8 -- destionation -> destination
rpc.lockd.8 -- reinitialising -> reinitialising
serialises -> serializes
{rpc.}statd.8 -- harware -> hardware
boot.8 -- flavours -> flavors
tadpolectl.8 -- allways -> always
sshd.8 -- reponse -> response
traceroute.8 -- calcualted -> calculated
tunefs.8 -- dependant -> dependent
useradd.8 -- utilising -> utilizing
userdel.8 -- utilising -> utilizing
diretory -> directory
recognised -> recognized
userinfo.8 -- recognised -> recognized
crash.8 -- messaage -> message
installboot.8 -- accomodate -> accommodate
wiconfig.8 -- statictics -> statistics
wsconscfg.8 -- colour -> color
ypinit.8 -- initialises -> initializes
Foundataion -> Foundation
ypxfr.8 -- insteed -> insted
arp*.9 -- gratitious -> gratuitous
packes -> packets
bounds_check_with_label.9 -- parametrized -> parametrized
bus_dma*.9 -- sucessfully -> successfully
copy*.9 -- funtions -> functions
disk{_*}.9 -- stuture -> structure
*disklabel.9 -- parametrized -> parametrized
fork1.9 -- abormally -> abnormally
free.9 -- charateristics -> characteristics
ioctl.9 -- wariables -> variables
funcions -> functions
specifyies -> specifies
accessd -> accessed
kprintf.9 -- availble -> available
*lock*.9 -- synchronisation -> synchronization
initialisation -> initialization
utilising -> utilizing
malloc.9 -- charateristics -> characteristics
pfil.9 -- responsibiliy -> responsibility
pool*.9 -- aligment -> alignment
powerhook*.9 -- interrut -> interrupt
*printf.9 -- availble -> available
ratecheck.9 -- initalized -> initialized
rt_timer*.9 -- compatable -- compatible
softintr*.9 -- queueing -> queuing
{uao_*,uvm*,uvn_attach}.9 -- initialise -> initialize
dependant -> dependent
depenent -> dependent
occured -> occurred
thes -> this
ucom.9 -- havce -> have
usbdi.9 -- descibe -> describe
organisation -> organization
wdc.9 -- dependant -> independent
rigth -> right
wainting -> waiting
initialise -> initialize
inithialised -> initialized
msconfig.1 -- simulaneously -> simultaneously
bc.1 -- environent -> environment
specifing -> specifying
b{unzip2,zcat,zip2,zip2recover}.1 -- maximises -> maximizes
totalling -> totaling
summarises -> summarizes
invokation -> invocation
randomised -> randomized
randomisation -> randomization
minimise -> minimize
cc.1 -- optimised -> optimized
cp.1 -- Foreach -> For each
cpio.1 -- compatability -> compatibility
crunchgen.1 -- desireable -> desirable
unresolveable -> unresolvable
dc.1 -- abritrarily -> arbitrarily
precidence -> precedence
ed.1 -- additonal -> additional
postive -> positive
*grep.1 -- therfore -> therefore
eject.1 -- supporded -> supported
{f,fort,g}77.1 -- optimisation -> optimization
fgen.1, adw.4, bktr.4 -- withough -> without
file.1 -- recognised -> recognized
optimisation -> optimization
ftp.1 -- reponse -> response
authorisation -> authorization
ipftest.1 -- arbitary -> arbitrary
minimises -> minimizes
ipsend.1 -- hexidecimal -> hexadecimal
initialised -> initialized
kf.1 -- securly -> securely
klist.1 -- charcted -> characted
ksh.1 -- paramter -> parameter
preceeding -> preceding
compatability -> compatibility, rtld.1 -- initialisation -> initialization
recognises -> recognizes