Subject: pkg/19816: abcde sample config *not* installed in /usr/pkg/etc/abcde.conf
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/12/2003 08:13:55
>Number: 19816
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: abcde sample config *not* installed in /usr/pkg/etc/abcde.conf
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: low
>Responsible: pkg-manager
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun Jan 12 08:14:00 PST 2003
>Originator: Richard Rauch
>Release: NetBSD/i386 v1.6 (with 1.6K kernel); pkgsrc recently ftp'd from
NetBSD hermes 1.6K NetBSD 1.6K (GENERIC) #0: Wed Dec 4 22:11:15 UTC 2002 i386
(I don't know whether to classify this as a sw-bug, doc-bug, or change-request. I went with change-request, though I view the matter as a definite bug.)
I was due to re-do my Ogg Vorbis files (not least because the .ogg files were lost and backup *is* the CD media, right?). I reinstalled abcde from pkgsrc and read the man-page to remember how to make it do things "the right way" (for me). The quickest way to configure it was to follow the pointer to the config file, mentioned in the man-page:
...except that the file isn't there. I had to go back to pkgsrc, do a "make extract", and then copy the file over manually.
abcde functions without this file, but if you want to change default behavior (e.g., encode album and artist names both into the directory structure), the easiest way is to tweak a line of the .conf file.
The abcde.conf file appears to encode the defaults, so installing it without change does not alter the behavior, and shows how to readily configure abcde.
Please modify the package to install this file.
Install abcde from pkgsrc on a fresh system.
Try to find abcde.conf in /usr/pkg/etc/...
Not being familiar with how the pkgsrc install scripts work, I'll just offer my brain-dead workaround:
"make extract" abcde, cd into the work/ab* directory, copy the abcde.conf file manually, and then back out and "make clean".
This has the disadvantage that the file won't be removed or updated if you delete or update the abcde package. (Whether site-local configs should be touched during update is perhaps a delicate issue. But that's another matter.)