Subject: install/20041: sysinst->upgrade says it has done things that it hasn't (and shouldn't)
To: None <>
From: Richard Earnshaw <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/24/2003 15:37:56
>Number: 20041
>Category: install
>Synopsis: sysinst->upgrade says it has done things that it hasn't (and shouldn't)
>Confidential: yes
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: install-manager
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Jan 24 07:39:00 PST 2003
>Originator: Richard Earnshaw
>Release: NetBSD 1.6M
System: NetBSD 1.6M NetBSD 1.6M (GENERIC) #0: Thu Jan 23 11:55:34 GMT 2003 shark
Architecture: arm
Machine: shark
Running sysinst and selecting "upgrade" produces text about writing
a new disk label and other random scriblings that only apply to a
completely new install. These haven't happened in fact (there's
no oportunity to do anything to a disk-label during an upgrade).
Run sysinst and selct the upgrade option. Read the messages that
are being generated.