Subject: port-macppc/20513: count down missing from ofwboot.xcf
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/27/2003 08:17:35
>Number: 20513
>Category: port-macppc
>Synopsis: count down missing from ofwboot.xcf
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: port-macppc-maintainer
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Feb 27 08:18:01 PST 2003
>Originator: Andrew Cagney
>Release: 1.6
So, imagine this. You're at the airport and (for some foolish reason) want to board a plain to/within the US. Having wipped through the e-ticket machine, you've headed for that security checkpoint ....
(I'll spare you some of the physical details) but eventually you find yourself in front of a security guard with your mac lapbrick open and a request to power it up. Easy, press the switch, wait for that ping, and show it to the security guard.
Oops, you enabled auto-boot into netbsd. You've now got to sit there, like an idiot, for N minutes while the m/c comes up just so that it can be given a clean shutdown.
Could the count-down timer found in other boot loaders please be added to ofwboot.xcf. That way, it is easy to intercept the boot without trying to give the machine the ofw salute.
Could there be a way of extiting ofwboot.xcf and returning to open firmware.
Try getting mac lapbrick, set up to auto-boot netbsd, through airport security :-)
A work around is to disable auto-boot, instead entering the boot command every time the m/c comes up.