Subject: Re: pkg/20448
To: Johnny Lam <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/07/2003 09:55:13
> Please try the following patch. I wasn't aware that iconv functions are
> a part of GNU libc. I've modified the buildlink2 logic to check for
> whether /usr/lib/* actually exist before adding "-liconv" to
> the list of libraries needed when linking against libintl.
It works for me on IRIX when building gtexinfo, thanks!
(But please see below.)
> Index: devel/gettext-lib/
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/devel/gettext-lib/,v
> retrieving revision 1.18
> diff -u -r1.18
> --- devel/gettext-lib/ 2003/01/05 22:16:53 1.18
> +++ devel/gettext-lib/ 2003/03/06 16:58:16
> @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
On IRIX, when using SGI's MIPSpro compiler, linker emits this warning:
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -Wl,-rpath,/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib -o
texindex texindex.o ../lib/libtxi.a /usr/pkg/lib/ -lc
-Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -lintl
ld32: WARNING 1: Unknown option: R/usr/pkg/lib (ignored).
Bye Pavel