Subject: port-macppc/21289: XFree86 on PowerBook G4 -- cannot open /dev/pci0
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/24/2003 15:11:14
>Number: 21289
>Category: port-macppc
>Synopsis: XFree86 on PowerBook G4 -- cannot open /dev/pci0
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: port-macppc-maintainer
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Apr 23 19:20:00 UTC 2003
>Release: NetBSD 1.6Q
System: NetBSD 1.6Q NetBSD 1.6Q (GENERIC) #1: Sun Mar 30 01:50:51 JST 2003 tsubai@lumiere:/a/0329/src/sys/arch/macppc/compile/GENERIC macppc
Architecture: powerpc
Machine: macppc
XFree86 from the snapshot as well as the binary from
will not start, it produces the following error:
netbsdPciInit: can't open /dev/pci0
the error does not appear securelevel related, since with
securelevel nailed to -1 in the kernel, the same behaviour
is observed.
Unfortunately, though it is possible that this bug is
related to kernel compile time options, it is not possible
at this point to compile a working kernel for this hardware
from the public source at this point as far as I can tell.
startx or similar
kernel from
userland from 20030218-1.6K snapshot
xfree86 from 20030303-1.6O snapshot