Subject: port-i386/21665: bus_dmamap_sync needs a memory barrier
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/25/2003 01:24:27
>Number: 21665
>Category: port-i386
>Synopsis: bus_dmamap_sync needs a memory barrier
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: port-i386-maintainer
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun May 25 01:25:01 UTC 2003
>Originator: Stephan Uphoff
>Release: 1.6T
NetBSD giant 1.6T NetBSD 1.6T (GIANT) #17: Sat May 24 20:58:42 EDT 2003 ups@giant:/usr/home/ups/sources/build/makeobjectdirprefix/usr/home/ups/sources/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GIANT i386
The macro bus_dmamap_sync with operation BUS_DMASYNC_POSTREAD
for the i386 architecture (all x86 architectures ?) needs a memory
barrier since the P6 family (and others?) performs speculative out
of order reads.
The manual page BUS_DMA(9) states:
On platforms which implement a weak memory access ordering mod-
el, bus_dmamap_sync() will always cause the the appropriate mem-
ory barriers to be issued.
Add an inexpensive locking instruction to the bus_dmamap_sync macro.
Index: bus.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/x86/include/bus.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -r1.2 bus.h
> #include <machine/atomic.h>
> do { \
> int dummy; \
> /* Enforce memory order for BUS_DMASYNC_POSTREAD */ \
> /* Any I/O instruction, locking instruction, */ \
> /* serializing instruction or the LOCK prefix works */ \
> (void) x86_atomic_testset_i(&dummy,0); \
< (*(t)->_dmamap_sync)((t), (p), (o), (l), (ops)) : (void)0)
> (*(t)->_dmamap_sync)((t), (p), (o), (l), (ops)) \
> : (void)0); \
> } while (/* CONSTCOND */ 0)