Subject: bin/21714: ssh/d With authorized_keys Restriction Produces
To: None <>
From: Chris Jepeway <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/29/2003 12:49:37
>Number: 21714
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: Using restrictions in ssh authorized_keys file generates "Corrupted MAC on input" errors
>Confidential: no
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Responsible: bin-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu May 29 16:52:00 UTC 2003
>Release: NetBSD 1.6T
Blasted Heath Consulting, LLC
NetBSD pos 1.6T NetBSD 1.6T (GENERIC) #5: Thu May 22 17:58:56 EDT 2003 root@the-morrigan:/src/netbsd/current/sys/arch/i386/compile/obj.i386/GENERIC i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
Looks like sshd has trouble when adding command or
pty restrictions to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
If I add a command="foo" to authorized_keys, then I get a
Received disconnect from ::1: 2: Corrupted MAC on input
message. I get this when connecting via localhost (defaulting
to IPv6, I guess) or via an IPv4 configured network interface.
This also occurs when connecting remotely over IPv4 with
both an OpenSSH-3.4p1 and an OpenSSH_3.5 client.
Finally, if a no-pty is added to authorized_keys, with
or without a command="foo", the same "Corrupted MAC"
error occurs.
Follows, an edited transcript shows the problem:
% pwd # where am i?
% cat authorized_keys # who can log in via public_key?
% ssh -i ./slappy localhost date # show that public_key works
Enter passphrase for key './slappy':
Thu May 22 22:05:20 UTC 2003
% vi authorized_keys # change to restrict slappy to a command
% cat authorized_keys
command="/usr/bin/date" ssh-rsa <BIG LONG PUBLIC KEY>
% ssh -i slappy localhost # try it out
Enter passphrase for key 'slappy':
Received disconnect from ::1: 2: Corrupted MAC on input. # wtf?
% vi authorized_keys # change from command to no-pty
% cat authorized_keys
no-pty ssh-rsa <BIG LONG PUBLIC KEY>
% ssh -i ./slappy localhost date # try w/o pty
Enter passphrase for key './slappy':
Received disconnect from ::1: 2: Corrupted MAC on input. # wtf?
% vi authorized_keys # remove all restrictions
% cat authorized_keys
% ssh -i ./slappy -T localhost date # try turning off pty on client side
Enter passphrase for key './slappy':
Thu May 22 22:07:32 UTC 2003 # works good
Unknown. This seems to have cropped up w/ the import
of OpenSSH-3.6.1 in April, but I'm not swearing to that.