Subject: Re: bin/24676: vi -c flag does not work correctly
To: Aymeric Vincent <>
From: Peter Bex <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/05/2004 22:58:33
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On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 06:07:00PM +0100, Aymeric Vincent wrote:
> Hi,
> Quoting from nvi sources, this looks like the desired behaviour:
> /*
> * Historically, initial commands (the -c option) weren't=20
> executed
> * until a file was loaded, e.g. "vi +10 nofile", followed by an
> * :edit or :tag command, would execute the +10 on the file=20
> loaded
> * by the subsequent command, (assuming that it existed). This
> * applied as well to files loaded using the tag commands, and=
> we
> * follow that historic practice. Also, all initial commands=20
> were
> * ex commands and were always executed on the last line of the=
> file.
> (see src/usr.bin/vi/common/exf.c)
Hmm, strange. Probably this just needs to be mentioned in the manpage to
avoid this type of confusion, then.
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