Subject: kern/25519: Another few USB devices
To: None <>
From: Paul Shupak <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/10/2004 00:22:32
>Number:         25519
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       These devices aren't in the kernel tables
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon May 10 07:23:00 UTC 2004
>Originator:     Paul Shupak
>Release:        NetBSD 2.0E
System: NetBSD cobalt 2.0E NetBSD 2.0E (COBALT-$Revision: 1.4 $) #442: Sat May 8 14:20:33 PDT 2004 root@svcs:/sys/arch/i386/compile/COBALT i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
	some more somewhat obscure USB devices I had laying about.
	For the devices:
		Microtek ScanMaker 6000
		Composite USB to PS2 Converter
		mediaGear Transport USB2.0 9 in 1 Reader
		NETGEAR XA601 USB to PL Adapter
		Mitsumi Sony Quick Scroll Mouse (part of the Sony "MemoryMouse")
		Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
		Belken UPS(s)
		NEC 2.0 USB hub
	Examine and see that the entries are missing as of yet
Index: usbdevs
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs,v
retrieving revision 1.373
diff -c -r1.373 usbdevs
*** usbdevs	8 Apr 2004 05:36:00 -0000	1.373
--- usbdevs	10 May 2004 07:18:53 -0000
*** 141,146 ****
--- 141,147 ----
  vendor AZTECH		0x0509	Aztech Systems
  vendor BELKIN		0x050d	Belkin Components
  vendor KAWATSU		0x050f	Kawatsu Semiconductor
+ vendor COMPOSITE	0x0518	Composite Corp. ???
  vendor APC		0x051d	American Power Conversion
  vendor CONNECTEK	0x0522	Advanced Connectek USA
  vendor NETCHIP		0x0525	NetChip Technology
*** 335,340 ****
--- 336,342 ----
  vendor TREK		0x0a16	Trek Technology
  vendor ASAHIOPTICAL	0x0a17	Asahi Optical
  vendor BOCASYSTEMS	0x0a43	Boca Systems
+ vendor MEDIAGEAR	0x0a48	MediaGear
  vendor BROADCOM		0x0a5c	Broadcom
  vendor GEOCAST		0x0a79	Geocast Network Systems
*** 557,562 ****
--- 559,565 ----
  product BELKIN SCSI		0x0115	SCSI Adaptor
  product BELKIN USB2LAN		0x0121	USB to LAN Converter
  product BELKIN F5U208		0x0208	F5U208 VideoBus II
+ product BELKIN UPS		0x0980	UPS
  product BELKIN F5U120		0x1203	F5U120-PC Hub
  /* Billionton products */
*** 623,628 ****
--- 626,634 ----
  product COMPAQ IPAQLINUX	0x505a	iPAQ Linux
  product COMPAQ HNE200		0x8511	HNE-200 USB Ethernet adapter
+ /* Composite Corp products looks the same as "TANGTOP" */
+ product COMPOSITE USBPS2	0x0001	USB to PS2 Adaptor
  /* Concord Camera products */
  product CONCORDCAMERA EYE_Q_3X	0x0100	Eye Q 3x
*** 632,638 ****
  /* Corega products */
  product COREGA ETHER_USB_T	0x0001	Ether USB-T
  product COREGA FETHER_USB_TX	0x0004	FEther USB-TX
! product COREGA WLAN_USB_USB_11	0x000c	WirelessLAN USB-11
  product COREGA FETHER_USB_TXS	0x000d	FEther USB-TXS
  product COREGA WLANUSB		0x0012	Wireless LAN USB Stick-11
  product COREGA FETHER_USB_TXC	0x9601	FEther USB-TXC
--- 638,645 ----
  /* Corega products */
  product COREGA ETHER_USB_T	0x0001	Ether USB-T
  product COREGA FETHER_USB_TX	0x0004	FEther USB-TX
! product BELKIN UPS		0x0980	UPS
  product COREGA FETHER_USB_TXS	0x000d	FEther USB-TXS
  product COREGA WLANUSB		0x0012	Wireless LAN USB Stick-11
  product COREGA FETHER_USB_TXC	0x9601	FEther USB-TXC
*** 1055,1060 ****
--- 1062,1068 ----
  product LOGITECH WMMOUSE	0xc004	WingMan Gaming Mouse
  product LOGITECH MUV55A		0xc016	M-UV55a
  product LOGITECH BD58		0xc00c	BD58 mouse
+ product LOGITECH USBPS2MOUSE	0xc00e	Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
  product LOGITECH UN58A		0xc030	iFeel Mouse
  product LOGITECH WMRPAD		0xc20a	WingMan RumblePad
  product LOGITECH WMFFGP		0xc293	WingMan Formula Force GP (GT-Force)
*** 1085,1090 ****
--- 1093,1101 ----
  product MCT SITECOM_USB232	0x0230	Sitecom USB-232 Products
  product MCT ML_4500		0x0302	ML-4500
+ /* MediaGear */
+ product MEDIAGEAR READER9IN1	0x5003	USB2.0 9 in 1 Reader
  /* Melco, Inc products */
  product MELCO LUATX1		0x0001	LUA-TX Ethernet
  product MELCO LUATX5		0x0005	LUA-TX Ethernet
*** 1127,1132 ****
--- 1138,1144 ----
  product MICROTEK C6		0x009a	Phantom C6 scanner
  product MICROTEK 336CX2		0x00a0	Phantom 336CX - C3 scanner
  product MICROTEK V6USL		0x00a3	ScanMaker V6USL
+ product MICROTEK 6000		0x30e5	ScanMaker 6000
  product MICROTEK V6USL2		0x80a3	ScanMaker V6USL
  product MICROTEK V6UL		0x80ac	ScanMaker V6UL
*** 1146,1151 ****
--- 1158,1164 ----
  /* Mitsumi products */
  product MITSUMI CDRRW		0x0000	CD-R/RW Drive
  product MITSUMI MOUSE		0x6407	Mouse
+ product MITSUMI SONY_MOUSE	0x6408	Sony Quick Scroll Mouse
  product MITSUMI BT_DONGLE	0x641f	Bluetooth USB dongle
  product MITSUMI FDD		0x6901	FDD
*** 1189,1194 ****
--- 1202,1208 ----
  product NATIONAL BEARPAW2400	0x1001	BearPaw 2400
  /* NEC products */
+ product NEC HUB_20		0x0059	USB 2.0 hub
  product NEC HUB			0x55aa	hub
  product NEC HUB_B		0x55ab	hub
  product NEC PICTY760		0xbef4	Picty760
*** 1213,1218 ****
--- 1227,1233 ----
  product NETGEAR FA101		0x1020	10/100 Ethernet
  product NETGEAR FA120		0x1040	USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet Adapter
  product NETGEAR MA111NA		0x4110	802.11b Adapter
+ product NETGEAR XA601		0x8100	USB to PL Adapter
  /* Nikon products */
  product NIKON E990		0x0102	Digital Camera E990

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