Subject: toolchain/25606: NetBSD build failure when some sctripts are not executable
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/17/2004 10:08:58
>Number:         25606
>Category:       toolchain
>Synopsis:       NetBSD build failure when some sctripts are not executable
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    toolchain-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon May 17 07:12:00 UTC 2004
>Originator:     Mike M. Volokhov
>Release:        NetBSD 2.x
System: NetBSD nostromo.holding.local 2.0C NetBSD 2.0C (NOSTROMO) #2: Fri May 7 10:09:22 EEST 2004 mishka@nostromo.holding.local:/build/netbsd/src-current-20040415/sys/arch/i386/compile/NOSTROMO i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386


	The build process of NetBSD will fails if all in-tree files
	will have standard permissions 644 (rw,r,r). This happens
	because some commands called by build toolchain uses "raw"
	script execution (i.e.  "./configure").  The example errors
	are as follows:

	---- cut ----
	mkdir libiberty
	(cd libiberty;
	env CC=cc /build/netbsd/src-2-0/gnu/dist/gcc/libiberty/configure &&
	env CC=cc /build/netbsd/src-2-0/../obj/tooldir.NetBSD-2.0C-i386/bin/nbmake)
	env: /build/netbsd/src-2-0/gnu/dist/gcc/libiberty/configure: Permission denied

	*** Failed target:  libiberty
	*** Failed command: (cd libiberty;
	env CC=cc /build/netbsd/src-2-0/gnu/dist/gcc/libiberty/configure &&
	env CC=cc /build/netbsd/src-2-0/../obj/tooldir.NetBSD-2.0C-i386/bin/nbmake)
	*** Error code 126

	nbmake: stopped in /build/netbsd/src-2-0/gnu/usr.bin/gcc3/host-libiberty
	---- cut ----

	$ grep 'Failed target:' build.log
	*** Failed target:  libiberty
	*** Failed target:  dependall-host-libiberty
	*** Failed target:  dependall-gcc3
	*** Failed target:  dependall-usr.bin
	*** Failed target:  dependall-gnu
	*** Failed target:  do-build
	*** Failed target:  build
	*** Failed target:  release


	In my case it was happened after following commands:

	cp -R src-current src-2-0
	cd src-2-0 && cvs update -P -d -C

	Seems that CVS doesn't handle permission rights good.  The
	build problem can be reproduced via following synthetic

	cd usr/src && find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
	sh release


	1) Use "${SH} ${SCRIPT}" instead of "${SCRIPT}" for all
	   such things (it may be something like buildlink in
	2) Use mtree(8) for handling permissions.

	TIA, Mishka.