Subject: kern/26947: ipf.conf line causes kernel panic
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/14/2004 22:27:07
>Number: 26947
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: ipf.conf line causes kernel panic
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: kern-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue Sep 14 12:58:00 UTC 2004
>Originator: Brett Lymn (Master of the Siren)
>Release: NetBSD 2.0G
Brett Lymn
System: NetBSD siren 2.0G NetBSD 2.0G (SIREN.ACPI.MP) #0: Tue Sep 14 19:38:01 CST 2004 blymn@siren:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/SIREN.ACPI.MP amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
This, possibly syntactically incorrect, line in ipf.conf will
cause a kernel panic - looks like a null dereference in frrequest():
pass out log quick on pppoe0 keep state keep frags
Sorry there is no kernel core dump - I was unable to capture one.
run "ipf -E -Fa -f -" and paste the above line in, hit control-d,
the kernel should panic immediately.
No fix offered...sorry.