Subject: misc/29234: mdoc2html: formatting glitches
To: None <,,>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/04/2005 22:47:00
>Number: 29234
>Category: misc
>Synopsis: mdoc2html: formatting glitches
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: misc-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Feb 04 22:47:00 +0000 2005
>Originator: Thomas Klausner
>Release: NetBSD 2.0
System: NetBSD 2.0 NetBSD 2.0 (RAFFAELO) #0: Wed Dec 15 16:47:17 CET 2004 i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
When generating HTML man pages, one of the problems one encounters is:
The text in paragraphs is wider then the boxes around the section headers;
this looks quite strange.
Build any HTML man page where a paragraph is longer than one line in
your visual browser.