Subject: kern/30334: NetBSD/xen 3.0_BETA crashing with "error 5 while accessing filesystem"
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/25/2005 16:24:00
>Number:         30334
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       NetBSD/xen 3.0_BETA crashing with "error 5 while accessing filesystem"
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed May 25 16:24:00 +0000 2005
>Originator:     Evaldo Gardenali
>Release:        3.0_BETA (20050523)
NetBSD flanders 3.0_BETA NetBSD 3.0_BETA (XENU) #0: Mon May 23 19:10:30 EDT 2005  evaldo@ezxen:/home/evaldo/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/obj/XENU i386

domain 0:
Linux ezxen #2 Mon May 23 18:20:50 EDT 2005 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

The machine runs okay for some time, then crashes all out of the blue, normally when it is idle... this last time, it was up for 12 hours when this happened.

unable to get a core dump because there is no dump partition.

relevant Xen configuration:
kernel = "/live/evaldo/netbsd-XENU"
memory = 256
cpu = -1   # leave to Xen to pick
vif  = [ 'mac=ba:be:ba:be:ba:be,bridge=xen-br2' ]
disk = [ 'file:/live/evaldo/netbsd.root,hda1,w' ]
root = "/dev/wd0d"
autorestart = True

/etc/fstab contents:
/dev/xbd0a / ffs rw,softdep 1 1
/dev/cgd0a /usr ffs rw,softdep 1 2
/dev/cgd1b none swap sw 0 0
kernfs /kern kernfs rw
procfs /proc procfs rw,noauto

standard netbsd-XENU kernel, cross-built from linux in a ' -N 1 -m i386 release'

debugger output:
cgd0: error 5
/: got error 5 while accessing filesystem
panic: softdep_deallocate_dependencies: unrecovered I/O error
Stopped at      netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        leave        
cpu_Debugger(c03ab720,c0a51108,5,c0ab9ae4,4) at netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4
panic(c03ab6e0,5,c0a2a800,c0ab9ae4,4) at netbsd:panic+0x121            
softdep_deallocate_dependencies(c0ab9ae4,0,18041969,c0100c77,4) at netbsd:softde
brelse(c0ab9ae4,0,c04b7d60,c0ab9ae4,c0ab9ae4) at netbsd:brelse+0x2d0
biodone(c0ab9ae4,0,0,1f,0) at netbsd:biodone+0x76                   
cgdiodone(c11e7198,0,c04b7de0,c11e7198,c11e7198) at netbsd:cgdiodone+0xd8
biodone(c11e7198,df4d00,0,c0a1b2ec,c0102562) at netbsd:biodone+0x118     
xbd_response_handler(0,c04b7e4c,c04b7e14,c04b7e20,989680) at netbsd:xbd_response
evtchn_do_event(5,c04b7e4c,0,3b9a0000,1ca00) at netbsd:evtchn_do_event+0xbc
do_hypervisor_callback(c04b7e4c,0,3b9a0011,31,11) at netbsd:do_hypervisor_callba
hypervisor_callback(c0413120,0,ffffffff,c028e729,c04132e0) at netbsd:hypervisor_
cpu_switch(c04132e0,0,cb3aa000,c0310dce,0) at netbsd:cpu_switch+0x107
ltsleep(c0413120,4,c03981b0,0,0) at netbsd:ltsleep+0x3fb             
uvm_scheduler(c0413100,0,c04173fc,c038efa1,1) at netbsd:uvm_scheduler+0x10f
main(0,0,0,0,0) at netbsd:main+0x739                                       
ds          0x11                    
es          0x11
fs          0x31
gs          0x11
edi         0x1 
esi         0x100
ebp         0xc04b7cd0  xbd_allxr+0x9d2fc
ebx         0x1                          
edx         0xc04bd000  xbd_allxr+0xa262c
ecx         0xffffffe0                   
eax         0xa8e     
eip         0xc0323844  cpu_Debugger+0x4
cs          0x9                         
eflags      0x202
esp         0xc04b7cd0  xbd_allxr+0x9d2fc
ss          0x11                         
netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        leave
Stopped at      netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        leave
db> bt                                               
cpu_Debugger(c03ab720,c0a51108,5,c0ab9ae4,4) at netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4
panic(c03ab6e0,5,c0a2a800,c0ab9ae4,4) at netbsd:panic+0x121            
softdep_deallocate_dependencies(c0ab9ae4,0,18041969,c0100c77,4) at netbsd:softde
brelse(c0ab9ae4,0,c04b7d60,c0ab9ae4,c0ab9ae4) at netbsd:brelse+0x2d0
biodone(c0ab9ae4,0,0,1f,0) at netbsd:biodone+0x76                   
cgdiodone(c11e7198,0,c04b7de0,c11e7198,c11e7198) at netbsd:cgdiodone+0xd8
biodone(c11e7198,df4d00,0,c0a1b2ec,c0102562) at netbsd:biodone+0x118     
xbd_response_handler(0,c04b7e4c,c04b7e14,c04b7e20,989680) at netbsd:xbd_response
evtchn_do_event(5,c04b7e4c,0,3b9a0000,1ca00) at netbsd:evtchn_do_event+0xbc
do_hypervisor_callback(c04b7e4c,0,3b9a0011,31,11) at netbsd:do_hypervisor_callba
hypervisor_callback(c0413120,0,ffffffff,c028e729,c04132e0) at netbsd:hypervisor_
cpu_switch(c04132e0,0,cb3aa000,c0310dce,0) at netbsd:cpu_switch+0x107
ltsleep(c0413120,4,c03981b0,0,0) at netbsd:ltsleep+0x3fb             
uvm_scheduler(c0413100,0,c04173fc,c038efa1,1) at netbsd:uvm_scheduler+0x10f
main(0,0,0,0,0) at netbsd:main+0x739                                       

last dmesg entries:
root file system type: ffs
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
cgd0: error 5                         
/: got error 5 while accessing filesystem
panic: softdep_deallocate_dependencies: unrecovered I/O error

cannot specify, it is not user-triggered.
