Subject: Re: bin/30478
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/22/2005 21:27:48
Takahiro Kambe <> writes:
> 	Paul Shupak <> wrote:
>> 	There are at least three very useful features missing from
>> the Postfix internal controls (unless they have been added in the
>> 2.2.x branch):  The only equivalent of the hosts_options "twist"
> One simple question.  tcp_wrappers are supported by original Postfix?
> If not, you had better ask Postfix people to support tcp_wrappers.

In general, NetBSD is a whole lot of work to maintain. It is generally
speaking unlikely that people will spend a lot of time customizing an
externally maintained application for NetBSD, especially if there
isn't wide consensus that the feature is important and someone
proposes said feature without providing an implementation.

If you (Paul) were to go off and write the code you propose, and get
the postfix and bind folks to incorporate it, it would probably appear
eventually in NetBSD. If you were to produce patches just for use by
NetBSD, there is a low but non-zero chance we would incorporate
them. However, I suspect that the odds that anyone else is going to
spend many hours doing what you propose with postfix and bind are
exceptionally low. Therefore, I'm not sure there is any point in
re-opening the PR.
