Subject: Re: port-dreamcast/26569
To: None <,,>
From: Nick Hudson <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/07/2006 15:30:02
The following reply was made to PR port-dreamcast/26569; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Nick Hudson <>
Subject: Re: port-dreamcast/26569
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 15:26:54 +0000
More info...
db> mach frame
[switch frame]
sf_sr 0x400001e1
sf_r15 0xc22eef74
sf_r14 0xc22eef74
sf_r13 0x00000000
sf_r12 0x8cf15d5c
sf_r11 0x8c1ba370 netbsd:__assert+0x80d84: bra 1778(0x6f2)
sf_r10 0x8cf1e9a8
sf_r9 0x8c1b8120 netbsd:__assert+0x7eb34: ????
sf_r8 0x00000002
sf_pr 0x8c0cb840 netbsd:mi_switch+0x108: bra 16(0x10)
sf_r6_bank 0xc22ecfa4
sf_r7_bank 0xc22ef000
[trap frame]
-- 0xc22eceec-0xc22ecf48 --
tf_expevt 0x00000160
tf_ubc 0x00000000
tf_spc 0x8c115016 netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x6: mov r14, r15
tf_ssr 0x400000f1
tf_macl 0x00000000
tf_mach 0x00000002
tf_pr 0x8c0d7d28 netbsd:panic+0xe0: mov r11, r4
tf_r13 0x00000000
tf_r12 0x00000000
tf_r11 0x00000100
tf_r10 0x8cf15d5c
tf_r9 0x8c15920c netbsd:__assert+0x1fc20: mov.b @r7+, r12
tf_r8 0x8c0d8624 netbsd:printf: mov.l r7, @-r15
tf_r7 0x00000000
tf_r6 0x00000000
tf_r5 0x0000000d
tf_r4 0x400000f1
tf_r3 0x8c1be000 netbsd:__assert+0x84a14: ????
tf_r2 0x0000092d
tf_r1 0x8c115010 netbsd:cpu_Debugger: mov.l r14, @-r15
tf_r0 0x00000001
tf_r15 0xc22eee88
tf_r14 0xc22eee88
-- 0xc22ecf48-0xc22ecfa4 --
tf_expevt 0x00000040
tf_ubc 0x00000000
tf_spc 0x8c1182d2 netbsd:pmap_extract+0x3a: mov.l @r8, r1
tf_ssr 0x40000000
tf_macl 0x0000a1b6
tf_mach 0x00000002
tf_pr 0x8c1182cc netbsd:pmap_extract+0x34: add #0x4, r15
tf_r13 0x00000000
tf_r12 0x000001bc
tf_r11 0xc22eef2c
tf_r10 0x8c1ba2b8 netbsd:__assert+0x80ccc: fadd fr0, fr0
tf_r9 0x8c3e8c00
tf_r8 0x00000fa0
tf_r7 0x00000006
tf_r6 0x00000001
tf_r5 0x00000289
tf_r4 0x40000001
tf_r3 0x8c1b8d9c netbsd:__assert+0x7f7b0: ????
tf_r2 0x000000f0
tf_r1 0x8c1b9244 netbsd:__assert+0x7fc58: ????
tf_r0 0x00000000
tf_r15 0xc22eef14
tf_r14 0xc22eef14
-- 0xc22ecfa4-0xc22ed000 --
tf_expevt 0x00000040
tf_ubc 0x00000000
tf_spc 0x8c0bf470 netbsd:proc_alloc+0x40: mov.l @r3, r0
tf_ssr 0x400000e0
tf_macl 0x000004b0
tf_mach 0x0283c5ad
tf_pr 0x8c0bf460 netbsd:proc_alloc+0x30: mov r0, r6
tf_r13 0x8c1b7f90 netbsd:__assert+0x7e9a4: ????
tf_r12 0x0000001e
tf_r11 0x8c0c2520 netbsd:chgproccnt: mov.l r8, @-r15
tf_r10 0x8c1b7c60 netbsd:__assert+0x7e674: ????
tf_r9 0x8cf1e9a8
tf_r8 0x8c1a9898 netbsd:__assert+0x702ac: shll r12
tf_r7 0x8c1b7a30 netbsd:__assert+0x7e444: ????
tf_r6 0x00000000
tf_r5 0x00000002
tf_r4 0x400000e0
tf_r3 0xc0004c18
tf_r2 0xc0004c00
tf_r1 0x00000018
tf_r0 0x00000000
tf_r15 0x8c1bde70 netbsd:__assert+0x84884: mov.b @(r0, r9), r10
tf_r14 0x8c1bde70 netbsd:__assert+0x84884: mov.b @(r0, r9), r10