Subject: Re: kern/32682: netbsd-3 ptyfs intermittent failure with Matlab
To: None <,,>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/08/2006 17:40:02
The following reply was made to PR kern/32682; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: (Christos Zoulas)
To: Hauke Fath <>
Subject: Re: kern/32682: netbsd-3 ptyfs intermittent failure with Matlab
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 12:35:08 -0500

 On Feb 8,  4:55pm, (Hauke Fath) wrote:
 -- Subject: Re: kern/32682: netbsd-3 ptyfs intermittent failure with Matlab
 | I finally managed to get hold of an error instance...
 | Ktracing Matlab 14 gave me
 | [tj@Katzenbuckel clpois]$ kdump | less
 | [...]
 |   25647 MATLAB   CALL  open(0xbac662e0,0x8002,0)
 |   25647 MATLAB   NAMI  "/emul/linux/dev/pts/5"
 |   25647 MATLAB   NAMI  "/dev/pts/5"
 |   25647 MATLAB   RET   open -1 errno -13 Permission denied
 | Am 31.01.2006 um 12:52 Uhr -0500 schrieb Christos Zoulas:
 | >Can you show what w(1) prints
 | Katzenbuckel# w
 |   1:20PM  up 6 days,  5:46, 1 user, load averages: 1.19, 1.49, 1.59
 | USER     TTY     FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
 | tj       :0      -                Thu07AM     ? /bin/sh /usr/pkg/bin/startkde
 | >and the "interesting" ptys in /dev/[pt]ty??.
 | [tj@Katzenbuckel clpois]$ ll /dev/pts/
 | total 31
 | dr-xr-xr-x  1 root wheel   512 Feb  2 07:50 ./
 | drwxr-xr-x  5 root wheel 30720 Oct 23 03:27 ../
 | crw-rw-rw-  1 root wheel  3, 0 Oct 22 23:25 0
 | crw-rw-rw-  1 root wheel  3, 1 Feb  3 03:15 1
 | crw-rw-rw-  1 root wheel  3, 2 Feb  8 07:21 2
 | crw--w----  1 hf   tty    3, 3 Feb  2 11:28 3
 | crw-rw-rw-  1 root wheel  3, 4 Feb  8 09:39 4
 | >I suspect what is going on, is that you have a rogue program that is
 | >opening old style pty's behind the pty subsystem's back, so when ptyfs
 | >tries to open the same pty, it fails. So when it fails for pts/4 for
 | >example, what does lsof say for /dev/{t,p}typ4?
 | Is lsof tied to the OS version? I got a warning "...compiled for 
 | NetBSD 2" and no output.
 | fstat(1) gave me
 | Katzenbuckel# fstat /dev/ttyp5
 | USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT       INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W NAME
 | root     fstat       8778    0 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     fstat       8778    1 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     fstat       8778    2 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     tcsh       19818   15 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     tcsh       19818   16 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     tcsh       19818   17 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     tcsh       19818   18 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | root     tcsh       19818   19 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | hf       tcsh       21122   15 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | hf       tcsh       21122   16 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | hf       tcsh       21122   17 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | hf       tcsh       21122   18 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | hf       tcsh       21122   19 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | tj       bash       24622    0 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | tj       bash       24622    1 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | tj       bash       24622    2 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | tj       bash       24622  255 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | tj       kdeinit      902   20 /        1855043 crw-rw-rw-   ttyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ttyp5
 | Katzenbuckel# fstat /dev/ptyp5
 | USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT       INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W NAME
 | tj       kdeinit      902   19 /        1854014 crw-rw-rw-   ptyp5 rw 
 | /dev/ptyp5
 | -- The latter is kind of interesting. What confused me, though, is 
 | that after logging out and logging in again, Matlab did still fail 
 | but an fstat for the relevant {p,t}typ? came up empty.
 | As a further data point, a coworker who uses Gnome exclusively claims 
 | he has never seen the error (most of the people here use KDE). ISTR, 
 | though, that I have seen Matlab fail under XFCE4 - which is set up to 
 | start the KDE and Gnome daemons. Hmmm...
 | Anything else that I could check?
 | 	hauke
 This is great information. Now what application opened the pty? kde terminal?
 This is the application that is not using openpty and it is trying to open
 pty's directly.