Subject: bin/33507: sendmail build broken with MKSHARE=no
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/18/2006 12:20:00
>Number: 33507
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: sendmail build broken with MKSHARE=no
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: bin-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu May 18 12:20:00 +0000 2006
>Originator: Christian Hattemer
>Release: 3.0
NetBSD webster 3.0_STABLE NetBSD 3.0_STABLE (WEBSTER-TMP) #0: Tue Mar 21 21:03:33 CET 2006 krille@webster:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/WEBSTER-TMP i386
When building with MKSHARE=no sendmail fails to build with:
# install /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/
--- /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/ ---
STRIP=/usr/home/krille/wrap-build/tools/bin/i386--netbsdelf-strip /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/tools/bin/nbinstall -U -M /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/METALOG -D /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest -h sha1 -N /usr/src/etc -c -p -r -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/
--- /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/ ---
STRIP=/usr/home/krille/wrap-build/tools/bin/i386--netbsdelf-strip /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/tools/bin/nbinstall -U -M /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/METALOG -D /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest -h sha1 -N /usr/src/etc -c -p -r -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/
--- /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/ ---
nbinstall: stat: No such file or directory
--- /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/ ---
nbinstall: stat: No such file or directory
*** [/usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/] Error code 1
--- /usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/ ---
*** [/usr/home/krille/wrap-build/dest/etc/mail/] Error code 1
2 errors
nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/gnu/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf
This happens because of:
.if ${MKSHARE} != "no"
SUBDIR+= cf/cf
.if make(install)
in src/gnu/usr.sbin/sendmail/Makefile.
This skips the build of the stuff to go into /usr/share as desired, but it also skips building and that should go into
/etc/mail. So they are missing when the install expects them and the process aborts.
While here, I'd like to drag attention to the not really related bin/31369.
Set MKSHARE=no and keep MKSENDMAIL=yes
Do a build
While the first idea was to remove the .if ${MKSHARE} it turns out that it isn't that simple. The two files need to be built without building the rest.