Subject: Re: bin/36506: /etc/rc.d/amd prohibits reboot if amd owns /home
To: None <,,>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/18/2007 17:23:37
On Jun 18, 9:20pm, (Matthias Scheler) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: bin/36506: /etc/rc.d/amd prohibits reboot if amd owns /home
| The following reply was made to PR bin/36506; it has been noted by GNATS.
| From: Matthias Scheler <>
| To:
| Cc:
| Subject: Re: bin/36506: /etc/rc.d/amd prohibits reboot if amd owns /home
| Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:19:23 +0100
| On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 09:27:41PM +0200, Hauke Fath wrote:
| > > Why should that block the reboot?
| > Good question. It shouldn't. All I know is that it does.
| I've tried that change. And my usual sequence is to "su" from my
| normale account with a NFS mounted "/home" and use "shutdown"
| afterwards. And I've never encountered problems with that.
| What operating system are you running on the client? The latest version
| of amd(8) got pulled up into "netbsd-3" after 3.1 was released.
| > > This happened because the amd(8) process got terminated but the
| > > pseudo NFS mounts were still active. The kernel tried to unmount
| > > them but didn't succeed because the NFS request didn't get handled.
| >
| > We're relying heavily on amd(8) at work for mounting user homes as well as
| > general purpose fileserver storage on NetBSD 1.6 - 3, and RedHat / Debian
| > Linuxes.
| I have all the home directories and a lot of other directories mounted
| via amd(8), too.
| > I don't debate the scenario you mention is possible, but I haven't seen it.
| It only happens to me if the machine has been running for a few weeks.
| Kind regards
It happens when processes are keeping the nfs directories busy. I think
that most of the fixes are in the newest stable release, but I will
import a newer one.