Subject: Re: misc/36697: unexpanded variable in dhcpd.leases(5)
To: None <,,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/30/2007 20:42:59
On Nov 13,  5:17am, wrote:
} >Description:
} At the beginning of dhcpd.leases(5):
} ...
} To make the initial lease database, just create an empty file called
} /var/db/dhcpd.leases. You can do this with:
}             touch DBDIR/dhcpd.leases
} In  order to prevent the lease database from growing without bound, 
} ...
} Clears the DBDIR after touch is not expanded, probably /var/db is meant.
} >How-To-Repeat:
} $ man dhcpd.leases

     dist/dhcp/server/Makefile.dist contains these lines to make the

dhcpd.leases.cat5:      dhcpd.leases.man5
        nroff -man dhcpd.leases.man5 >dhcpd.leases.cat5

dhcpd.leases.man5:      dhcpd.leases.5
        sed -e "s#ETCDIR#$(ETC)#g" -e "s#DBDIR#$(VARDB)#g" \
                -e "s#RUNDIR#$(VARRUN)#g" < dhcpd.leases.5 >dhcpd.leases.man5

However usr.sbin/dhcp/server/Makefile doesn't do any kind of special
handling of the manpages.  The question is how to do the above in the
context of a BSD makefile?

}-- End of excerpt from