Synopsis: GM45 kernel drm support State-Changed-From-To: pending-pullups->feedback State-Changed-By: State-Changed-When: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 23:48:05 +0000 State-Changed-Why: this should be working with 5.0 and -current now. the *ERROR* message for pci_mapreg can be ignored. does it work for you now? thanks.
I will try on 5.0 this afternoon.I can start Xorg and it seems to work, I had regular crashes in Xorg (freeze) with my lame changes and for unidentified reasons, so If it happens with this new kernel and drm code I will send you an update, so far so good for now.
Am I supposed to see any speed improvements in Xorg display? it's not fast, as it was before. (I am using modular and intel driver)Thank you for this update, I will be able to use my laptop Intel 4500 MHD in a more comfortable (and may be more stable) way now!!
HTH, Rgs, Eric.