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Re: port-macppc/51258: CAPS_IS_CONTROL kernel option doesn't appear to work

The following reply was made to PR port-macppc/51258; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Michael <>
Subject: Re: port-macppc/51258: CAPS_IS_CONTROL kernel option doesn't appear
 to work
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 01:14:46 -0400

 I never added CAPS_IS_CONTROL to the 'new' ADB subsystem, mostly because
 nobody seemed to miss it ( the driver is from 2007, and it's default
 since 2008 or so ) and also because of the weird way the caps lock key
 is handled by ADB keyboards - it tries to emulate a mechanical locking
 switch, which some older ADB keyboards actually have ( like the
 Extended II ) so you don't get normal up/down events, you get a single
 down for the first press, and a single up for the second.
 I'm not quite sure how this ever really worked with the old drivers.
 Mine's cheating and sends a down, up sequence for each press.
 To make things more annoying, on laptop keyboards the PMU handles the
 caps lock LED, not the keyboard driver.

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