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Re: bin/51296: gpt migrate test assumes x86-like environment

On Jun 29,  2:55pm, wrote:
} >Number:         51296
} >Category:       bin
} >Synopsis:       gpt migrate test assumes x86-like environment
} >Arrival-Date:   Wed Jun 29 14:55:00 +0000 2016
} >Originator:     Martin Husemann
} >Release:        NetBSD 7.99.32
} >Organization:
} The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
} >Environment:
} System: NetBSD 7.99.32 NetBSD 7.99.32 (CUBIETRUCK) #266: Wed Jun 29 12:43:39 CEST 2016 evbarm
} Architecture: earmv7hfeb
} Machine: evbarm
} >Description:
} The gpt migrate test case (part of /usr/tests/sbin/gpt) fails on various
} machines because it assumes a MBR/x86'ish environment.
} It creates a disk image from a template that is made for RAW_PART=3 (i.e. 'd')
} machines like this:
} dd conv=notrunc msgfmt=quiet if=/dev/zero of=gpt.disk seek=10240 count=1

     Just a note that this appears to be an off-by-1 error.  This
command creates a disk that is exactly 5MB + 1 sector.  It should
probably be "seek=10239".

}-- End of excerpt from

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