NetBSD-Bugs by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Wed Mar 12 20:01:03 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Re: port-i386/51403: NetBSD doesn't recognize my ps/2 mouse, (continued)
- Re: kern/51398: NUC6i7KYK fails to boot NetBSD ins,
David Holland
- Re: kern/46897 (procfs uses too small a buffer for,
- Re: kern/51398 (NUC6i7KYK fails to boot NetBSD ins,
- port-evbarm/51399: evbarm7hf release fails to buil,
- Re: install/51398,
- install/51398: NUC6i7KYK fails to boot NetBSD inst,
tim . hope
- Re: kern/49691,
- PR/39950 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/x86/x86,
SAITOH Masanobu
- Re: kern/50717 (It's not possible to utilise a gat,
- Re: port-i386/39950 (Missing features 2-4 support ,
- Re: kern/38204 (Linux CDROMREADRAW ioctl is not em,
- Re: bin/36268 (NetBSD gzip error message mismatch ,
- Re: bin/3126 (./gomoku runs out of memory and segf,
- Re: bin/3126,
David Holland
- PR/51389 CVS commit: src/external/bsd/kyua-testers,
David A. Holland
- Re: toolchain/51389 (Kyua framework does not build,
- kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Benny Siegert
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Benny Siegert
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Nick Hudson
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Takahiro Hayashi
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Benny Siegert
- Re: kern/51395: USB Ethernet makes xhci hang,
Nick Hudson
- Re: port-amd64/50733 ((Only) partial failure of la,
- kern/51393: Reproducible KASSERT in UVM,
- xsrc/51390: pckbc and pms behaving strange (broken,
- Re: port-evbppc/24096 critical 405GP/EP interrupts,
Rin Okuyama
- Re: kern/7867 (UF_NODUMP flag not mapped <-> EXT2_,
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/modules,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/lib/libkern/arch/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/stand/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/pci,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/include,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/conf,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/disasm,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/share/mk,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/lib/libc/arch/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/external/gpl3,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/etc/etc.ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/distrib/sets/lists,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/distrib/ia64,
Sean Cole
- toolchain/51389: Kyua framework does not build up ,
Antoine . Leca . 1
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/common/lib/libc/arch/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/tests/lib/libc/arch/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/51261 CVS commit: src/tests/lib/libc/sys,
Sean Cole
- kern/51388: IPv4 with 31 bit netmasks and RFC 3021,
- Re: lib/51387 (lib/libpthread/t_mutex:mutex6 test ,
- lib/51387: lib/libpthread/t_mutex:mutex6 test case,
Andreas Gustafsson
- PR/50719 CVS commit: src/sys/external/bsd/gnu-efi/,
Sean Cole
- PR/50719 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64,
Sean Cole
- PR/49717 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/ia64/stand,
Sean Cole
- Re: kern/51200 (gets considered harmful even in li,
- Re: kern/51275,
- PR/51204 CVS commit: src/usr.bin/systat,
Sean Cole
- Re: bin/51204 (add ifstat to systat command),
- Re: bin/51385 (NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
- bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires subsequ,
Matthew Mondor
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Matthew Mondor
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Matthew Mondor
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Matthew Mondor
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
David Holland
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Michael van Elst
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Michael van Elst
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Michael van Elst
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Matthew Mondor
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Michael van Elst
- Re: bin/51385: NetBSD-7/amd64 tset(1) requires sub,
Matthew Mondor
- Re: port-mips/51384 (src/sys/arch/mips/rmi/rmixl_i,
- PR/51384 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/mips/rmi,
David A. Holland
- port-mips/51384: src/sys/arch/mips/rmi/rmixl_intr.,
- Re: bin/51264 (Fix src/sbin/fsck_lfs/bufcache.c),
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