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Re: port-macppc/58283: NetBSD/macppc 10.0 reproducible kernel PGM trap panic

The following reply was made to PR port-macppc/58283; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
Subject: Re: port-macppc/58283: NetBSD/macppc 10.0 reproducible kernel PGM trap
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 02:00:48 +0900

 > lancer# /usr/local/bin/tcsh
 > [ 136.9671671] trap: pid 1981.1981 (tcsh): kernel PGM trap @ 0x12cbc8 (SRR1=0x89032)
 > [ 136.9671671] panic: trap
 > [ 136.9671671] cpu0: Begin traceback...
 > [ 136.9671671] 0x00c44cc0: at vpanic+0x158
 > [ 136.9671671] 0x00c44cf0: at panic+0x50
 > [ 136.9671671] 0x00c44d30: at trap+0x3a8
 > [ 136.9671671] 0x00c44de0: kernel PGM trap by vec_state_release+0: srr1=0x89032
 > [ 136.9671671]             r1=0x16fcd80 cr=0x44222424 xer=0 ctr=0x12cbc8
 > [ 136.9671671] 0x016fcd80: at l3cr_config+0x34
 0x12cbc8 is 'dssall' in vec_state_release:
 0012cbc8 <vec_state_release>:
   12cbc8:       7e 00 06 6c     dssall
   12cbcc:       7c 00 04 ac     hwsync
   12cbd0:       81 43 00 2c     lwz     r10,44(r3)
   12cbd4:       81 2a 00 94     lwz     r9,148(r10)
   12cbd8:       55 29 01 ca     rlwinm  r9,r9,0,7,5
   12cbdc:       91 2a 00 94     stw     r9,148(r10)
   12cbe0:       81 23 00 24     lwz     r9,36(r3)
   12cbe4:       55 29 01 ca     rlwinm  r9,r9,0,7,5
   12cbe8:       91 23 00 24     stw     r9,36(r3)
   12cbec:       4e 80 00 20     blr
 But it looks this function is for ALTIVEC, so this should not be
 called on 603ev machines?
 Izumi Tsutsui

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