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install/58392: sysinst upgrade to 10.99.11 fails

>Number:         58392
>Category:       install
>Synopsis:       sysinst upgrade to 10.99.11 fails
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    install-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Jul 03 06:25:00 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Kimmo Suominen
>Release:        NetBSD 10.99.11
System: NetBSD 10.99.11 NetBSD 10.99.11 (GENERIC) #0: Mon Jul 1 12:09:52 UTC 2024 amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64

	Upgrading 10.99.10 (202403310300Z) to 10.99.11 (202407011310Z)
	fails with the following error:

	    Release set base32 does not exist.

	I then chose the "Skip set" option and continued the upgrade.
	After more sets were installed, the following messages were

	    You selected 19 distribution sets.  1 sets couldn't be found
	    and 1 were skipped after an error occurred.  Of the 18
	    that were attempted, 18 unpacked without errors and 0 with

	    Aborting installation.  Please recheck your distribution
	    source and consider reinstalling sets from the main menu.

	After hitting enter to continue, sysinst still continued with
	steps that I would have expected (such as running postinstall
	and installing boot blocks).  It remains unclear what was not
	done due to the installation having been aborted.

	It would be nice if the messages could be more specific as to
	what was not done, and also more accurately indicate if the "not
	found" and "skipped after an error occurred" sets overlap (like
	they did in this case).


	Download the ISO image and boot it.  Then select to upgrade the system
	using the install media as the source for the sets.


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