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Re: xsrc/58872: libXfont and libXfont2 fixes with ssp [patch]

The following reply was made to PR xsrc/58872; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Nat Sloss <>
 Martin Husemann <>
Subject: Re: xsrc/58872: libXfont and libXfont2 fixes with ssp [patch]
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 20:38:23 +1100

 Content-Type: Text/Plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 On Wed, 4 Dec 2024 19:30:02 Martin Husemann via gnats wrote:
 > The following reply was made to PR xsrc/58872; it has been noted by GNATS.
 > From: Martin Husemann <>
 >  Can you show the disassembly of the part of the function?
 See attached.
 I can see the ssp call before the return in the function, but I don't know why 
 it crashes.
 >  Can you reproduce it in a small stand alone test program?
 Not sure in the small program i wrote I could not get it to crash ( I was 
 unsure how to enable SSP when compiling).
 >  Martin
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Content-Disposition: attachment;
 0001f962 <xlfd_round_double>:
    1f962:       4fef ffcc       lea %sp@(-52),%sp
    1f966:       48e7 0034       moveml %a2-%a3/%a5,%sp@-
    1f96a:       4bfb 0170 0001  lea %pc@(32394 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_>),%a5
    1f970:       2a28 
    1f972:       222f 0048       movel %sp@(72),%d1
    1f976:       202f 0044       movel %sp@(68),%d0
    1f97a:       306f 003c       moveaw %sp@(60),%a0
    1f97e:       306f 003e       moveaw %sp@(62),%a0
    1f982:       2475 0170 0000  moveal %a5@(4f4),%a2
    1f988:       04f4 
    1f98a:       2052            moveal %a2@,%a0
    1f98c:       2f40 000c       movel %d0,%sp@(12)
    1f990:       2f41 0010       movel %d1,%sp@(16)
    1f994:       2f2f 0010       movel %sp@(16),%sp@-
    1f998:       2f2f 0010       movel %sp@(16),%sp@-
    1f99c:       4878 0003       pea 3 <_init-0x6b15>
    1f9a0:       2f35 0170 0000  movel %a5@(998),%sp@-
    1f9a6:       0998 
    1f9a8:       4878 0028       pea 28 <_init-0x6af0>
    1f9ac:       42a7            clrl %sp@-
    1f9ae:       47ef 002c       lea %sp@(44),%a3
    1f9b2:       2f0b            movel %a3,%sp@-
    1f9b4:       61ff fffe 7d5e  bsrl 7714 <__sprintf_chk@plt>
    1f9ba:       2f0b            movel %a3,%sp@-
    1f9bc:       61ff fffe 7342  bsrl 6d00 <atof@plt>
    1f9c2:       4fef 0020       lea %sp@(32),%sp
    1f9c6:       302f 003c       movew %sp@(60),%d0
    1f9ca:       4840            swap %d0
    1f9cc:       4240            clrw %d0
    1f9ce:       322f 003e       movew %sp@(62),%d1
    1f9d2:       8041            orw %d1,%d0
    1f9d4:       2212            movel %a2@,%d1
    1f9d6:       b081            cmpl %d1,%d0
    1f9d8:       6706            beqs 1f9e0 <xlfd_round_double+0x7e>
    1f9da:       61ff fffe 78ec  bsrl 72c8 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>
    1f9e0:       4cdf 2c00       moveml %sp@+,%a2-%a3/%a5
    1f9e4:       4fef 0034       lea %sp@(52),%sp
    1f9e8:       4e75            rts

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