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Re: kern/43986: ataraid(4) doesn't seem to handle weird array configs very gracefully

The following reply was made to PR kern/43986; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Andrius V <>
	"Greg A. Woods" <>
Subject: Re: kern/43986: ataraid(4) doesn't seem to handle weird array configs
 very gracefully
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:58:51 +0200

 Hi Greg,
 Do you still the hardware available and would be able to test the
 It should not crash if drives are missing or RAID is invalid.
 On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 4:15=E2=80=AFAM Taylor R Campbell <riastradh@netbsd=
 .org> wrote:
 > The following reply was made to PR kern/43986; it has been noted by GNATS=
 > From: Taylor R Campbell <>
 > To: "Greg A. Woods" <>
 > Cc:,
 > Subject: Re: kern/43986: ataraid(4) doesn't seem to handle weird array co=
 nfigs very gracefully
 > Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 02:12:00 +0000
 >  > uvm_fault(0xc0ab2c40, 0, 1) -> 0xe
 >  > kernel: supervisor trap page fault, code=3D3D0
 >  > Stopped in pid 0.1 (swapper) at netbsd:strncmp+0x23:    movzbl  0(%ebx=
 >  eax
 >  > db{0}> trace
 >  > strncmp(c095397a,1c,6,282,c0a9564c) at netbsd:strncmp+0x23
 >  This is an attempt to access the page zero.  Not exactly a null
 >  pointer dererence, but a near-null pointer dereference -- the second
 >  argument is 0x1c.
 >  > devsw_name2blk(1c,0,0,0,0) at netbsd:devsw_name2blk+0x7e
 >  It probably happened here:
 >      535                if (strncmp(conv->d_name, name, len) !=3D3D 0)
 >  > ld_ataraid_attach(c3d9c940,c3dede00,c3da0600,c37d4000,c37f4000) at net=
 >  :ld_ataraid_attach+0x1a8
 >  The devsw_name2blk call is probaby this one:
 >       78        bmajor =3D3D devsw_name2blk(device_xname(adi->adi_dev), N=
 ULL, 0);
 >  0x1c is offsetof(struct device, dv_xname) on i386 as of around 2010:
 >  So adi->adi_dev is probably null here.
 >  ata_raid_disk_vnode_find assumes that adi->adi_dev is nonnull.  This
 >  is probably a bug on its own: the caller handles a null return, so
 >  either if the input is null, the output should be null, or the caller
 >  should avoid calling ata_raid_disk_vnode_find with a null input.
 >      225                adi =3D3D &aai->aai_disks[i];
 >      226                vp =3D3D ata_raid_disk_vnode_find(adi);
 >      227                if (vp =3D3D=3D3D NULL) {
 >      228                        /*
 >      229                         * XXX This is bogus.  We should just mar=
 k the
 >      230                         * XXX component as FAILED, and write-bac=
 k new
 >      231                         * XXX config blocks.
 >      232                         */
 >      233                        break;
 >      234                }
 >  How did adi->adi_dev come to be null?
 >  Well, the struct ataraid_disk_info *adi structure is one of the
 >  aai->aai_ndisks entries in a struct ataraid_array_info *aai structure
 >  which is created by ataraid_get_array_info:
 >      270        aai =3D3D malloc(sizeof(*aai), M_DEVBUF, M_WAITOK | M_ZER=
 >  ...
 >      289        TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ataraid_array_info_list, aai, aai_list=
 >  This is called by the various ata_raid_*.c drivers.  From the dmesg
 >  you shared, it looks like this was an Adaptec adapter, so aai_ndisks
 >  is filled in from the first component here:
 >      156                aai->aai_ndisks =3D3D be16toh(info->configs[0].to=
 >  And aai->aai_disks[drive].adi_dev is filled in for each component
 >  found here:
 >      182        adi =3D3D &aai->aai_disks[drive];
 >      183        adi->adi_dev =3D3D sc->sc_dev;
 >  If any components are missing, there will be some number `drive' for
 >  which aai->aai_disks[drive].adi_dev remains null, and the logic will
 >  crash where you saw this.  That seems to be consistent with your
 >  explanation of the state of the disks.
 >  None of this code has changed much since this PR was filed, so I
 >  suspect the bug is still there.  I'm inclined to say that
 >  ld_ataraid_attach should just check adi->adi_dev =3D3D=3D3D NULL and han=
 dle it
 >  like when ata_raid_disk_vnode_find returns null -- in both cases, it
 >  needs to deal with a missing component.
 >  --- ld_ataraid.c
 >  +++ ld_ataraid.c
 >  @@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
 >          */
 >         for (i =3D3D 0; i < aai->aai_ndisks; i++) {
 >                 adi =3D3D &aai->aai_disks[i];
 >  -              vp =3D3D ata_raid_disk_vnode_find(adi);
 >  -              if (vp =3D3D=3D3D NULL) {
 >  +              if (adi =3D3D=3D3D NULL ||
 >  +                  (vp =3D3D ata_raid_disk_vnode_find(adi)) =3D3D=3D3D N=
 ULL) {
 >                         /*
 >                          * XXX This is bogus.  We should just mark the
 >                          * XXX component as FAILED, and write-back new
 >  Now, the failure branch logic here may be wrong -- it just gives up
 >  instead of trying to deal with a missing component -- but that's a
 >  separate issue which, with any luck, should lead to a more graceful
 >  failure than crash, even if the more graceful failure isn't ideal.

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