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Re: port-i386/56676: Soekris net4801 panics running ATF tests

The following reply was made to PR port-i386/56676; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Andreas Gustafsson <>
Subject: Re: port-i386/56676: Soekris net4801 panics running ATF tests
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 11:26:37 +0200

 A recent -current (source date 2025. still panics
 in the same place but prints a more helpful panic message:
   # cd /usr/tests/lib/libc/sys
   # ./t_ptrace_wait x86_fpregs_fpu_core
   t_ptrace_wait: WARNING: Running test cases without atf-run(1) is unsupported
   t_ptrace_wait: WARNING: No isolation nor timeout control is being applied; you may get unexpected failures; see atf-test-case(4)
   [ 4257.8535135] panic: fpu trap from kernel at netbsd:fpu_handle_deferred+0x32, trapframe 0xc902df4c
   [ 4257.8535135] cpu0: Begin traceback...
   [ 4257.8535135] vpanic(c1388c34,c902de30,c902df40,c0131945,c1388c34,c902deb0,c902df4c,41,0,c1e44a40) at netbsd:vpanic+0x176
   [ 4257.8535135] panic(c1388c34,c902deb0,c902df4c,41,0,c1e44a40,c1f175c0,0,c1e44a40,c04d2f0c) at netbsd:panic+0x18
   [ 4257.8535135] fputrap(c902df4c,c2b10010,30,c9020010,c16a0010,c1f175c0,ae0663c8,c902df9c,c902b080,0) at netbsd:fputrap+0x15c
   [ 4257.8535135] Xtrap10(c1f175c0,19800b3,19800ab,1f,c010001f,ade15c00,ae0663c8,bfb0e130,ae065ff4,0) at netbsd:Xtrap10+0x66
   [ 4257.8535135] cpu0: End traceback...
 Looks like the trap happens in the frstor instruction at the end of this
 # gdb /netbsd
 (gdb) x/100i fpu_handle_deferred
    0xc01311a0 <fpu_handle_deferred>:	push   %ebp
    0xc01311a1 <fpu_handle_deferred+1>:	mov    %esp,%ebp
    0xc01311a3 <fpu_handle_deferred+3>:	push   %ebx
    0xc01311a4 <fpu_handle_deferred+4>:	sub    $0xc,%esp
    0xc01311a7 <fpu_handle_deferred+7>:	mov    %fs:0x8c0,%ecx
    0xc01311ae <fpu_handle_deferred+14>:	mov    0xc16c3320,%eax
    0xc01311b3 <fpu_handle_deferred+19>:	mov    0xc16c3324,%edx
    0xc01311b9 <fpu_handle_deferred+25>:	mov    0x20(%ecx),%ebx
    0xc01311bc <fpu_handle_deferred+28>:	sub    $0xffffff80,%ebx
    0xc01311bf <fpu_handle_deferred+31>:	clts
    0xc01311c1 <fpu_handle_deferred+33>:	mov    0xc16c332c,%ecx
    0xc01311c7 <fpu_handle_deferred+39>:	cmp    $0x1,%ecx
    0xc01311ca <fpu_handle_deferred+42>:	je     0xc01311f4 <fpu_handle_deferred+84>
    0xc01311cc <fpu_handle_deferred+44>:	jg     0xc01311da <fpu_handle_deferred+58>
    0xc01311ce <fpu_handle_deferred+46>:	test   %ecx,%ecx
    0xc01311d0 <fpu_handle_deferred+48>:	jne    0xc01311d4 <fpu_handle_deferred+52>
    0xc01311d2 <fpu_handle_deferred+50>:	frstor (%ebx)
 Andreas Gustafsson,

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