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kern/59215: npf crash at startup
>Number: 59215
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: npf crash at startup
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: kern-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Mar 26 10:45:00 +0000 2025
>Originator: Paul Goyette
>Release: NetBSD 10.99.12
| Paul Goyette (.sig) | PGP Key fingerprint: | E-mail addresses: |
| (Retired) | 1B11 1849 721C 56C8 F63A | |
| Software Developer | 6E2E 05FD 15CE 9F2D 5102 | |
| & Network Engineer | | |
System: NetBSD 10.99.12 NetBSD 10.99.12 (GENERIC) #0: Wed Mar 19 03:32:11 UTC 2025 amd64
Architecture: x86_64
Machine: amd64
Something recently changed timing during system startup and as a
result I am getting crashes from npfctl.
I tried to start debugging but the printf's just hid the issue.
No crash dump available due to kern/59153
Here's a snippet of discussion on IRC:
> 18:37 < PaulG> ok, i got partial dmesg - looks pretty garbled in places,
> but mostly matches what i was able to manually transcribe.
> 18:37 < PaulG> [ 25.226764file
> "/build/netbsd-local/src_ro/sys/miscfs/specfs/pec_vnops.c", line 1767
> cancel dev=0xc600 failed with 6
> [...]
> 18:40 < Riastradh> #define ENXIO 6 /* Device not
> configured */
> 18:40 -!- PaulG [] has quit
> [Quit: ]
> 18:40 < Riastradh> major 0xc6 is /dev/npf
> 18:44 < Riastradh> When PaulG comes back -- I bet npf.kmod got unloaded
> before all open file descriptors /dev/npf were closed.
> 18:46 < Riastradh> I think npf_fini has to do
> vdevgone(cdevsw_lookup_major(&npf_cdevsw), 0, 0, VCHR), and npf_dev_open
> should reject minor(dev) != 0.
For now I have just disabled npf.
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