Subject: Re: NetBSD www pages, some ideas
To: Julio Merino <>
From: Martin Weber <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/13/2002 20:47:26
On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 08:36:07PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote:
> [use css & xhtml ?]

Well, none of our supported browsers supports those fully :)

I dislike writing documentation which has to be viewed by
microsoft products :> And yes, there might be browsers supporting
this stuff, but if you use a combination of dillo, links and
(sometimes) netscape (4.7) because you have the "typical"
netbsd machine (i.e. not more horsepower than the combined
formula one cars) and don't want to wait half a minute for
even plainest pages to appear and render, then you shouldn't
be locked out from our documentation either!

You might call "legacy, legacy" now, "get rid of the old junk",
but hey, after all we don't need many of the new features of
css etc. We need a structured hypertext collection of documentation,
and for the style, we use the .list files which work very fine
in ensuring a central style :)

I am strictly against using those newer features unless they are
supported by my "legacy" applications (and face it, there's only
shit as browsers under unix, pervert enough), because I really
dislike to lock myself out of my work.

But well, I'm just one, and not even a commiter (though working
on translation/documentation), and this is just mnsho :)
