Subject: Re:
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 06/05/2002 20:02:20
On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 03:55:58PM -0400, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> Julio Merino <> wrote:
> >
> > If it works this way... why not simply forget what the page currently has
> > and then, read proper news from each language and copy them into index.html?
> Not every language
> (a) has a <lang>/Changes/index.html page
> (b) keeps <lang>/Changes/index.html as up to date as the main page
Well, so... how about creating a simple script to add news to all languages?
That is, you run the script "" and type your new news there. Then,
it adds the new text to every Changes file of each language. Doing this, the
translator then fetchs the new file from the cvs, translates the new news and
commits it. (If it doesn't translate some news, they will also appere, in
So, (a) is solved, because each lang will have an uptodate changes page,
and (b), already answered ;)
> > The other solution would be to use a db server... though this means,
> > obviously, installing a db server ;-). With a bit of php this should be
> > really easy.
> Overkill, though. IMHO, at least.
Yeah, I know.
Of course it runs NetBSD -
HispaBSD member -
Julio Merino <>