Subject: Re: [netbsd-docs-fr]Translations of Release Announcements
To: Jan Schaumann <>
From: Guillain <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 07/03/2002 02:14:44
>Well, while we don't know the exact date of the 1.6 Release, we know
>that it's going to be soon, right?  So I'd like to ask for volunteers
>that would be willing to translate the announcement, so when the time
>comes we're prepared.
>the first draft of the announcement is available in
>/cvsroot/htdocs/Releases/formal-1.6/NetBSD-1.6.{list,html} -- while some
>of the copy will most certainly be changed, it would probably be good if
>those who wish to translate the announcement would get a head-start.

Yes. I will translate this in french.

