Subject: Re: The NetBSD Guide
To: Jason R. Fink <>
From: Daniel de Kok <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/13/2003 00:21:48
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On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 09:36:36AM -0400, Jason R. Fink wrote:
> As you are probably aware, the NetBSD Guide has stagnated
> a bit recently.
Yes, I already saw. I sent some patches for chap-audio.sgml to this
mailing list a while ago. But I never saw them applied (there are
some major errors in there).=20
> Grant Beattie and Hubert Feyrer recently got the English
> portion of the Guide to build the HTML target from XML
> Docbook format. Many thanks to them for their hard work.
I guess a comparable amount of work is needed for the translations,
is it ok to just continue in SGML?
> Surprisingly, there is not too much work that needs to be
> done. Following is a worklist I have compiled. I have assigned
> myself chapters to work on, if you would like to work on
> a specific chapter, please let me know.
Maintaining the guide seems to be quite a big job to me (especially
if it has to be usable for multiple versions), wouldn't it be a
good idea to assign a maintainer to chapters who look after those
chapters (keeping them up-to-date, make additions, etc.)? Then
the maintainers can provide diffs to the Guide maintainer (or
somebody with CVS access).
> 2boot review
Needs a description of mbrlabel in 5.4 for partitions that are
not in the disklabel.
> linux review
I would like to look into this.
> audio review
Needs bugfixing, I'd like too look into this one too.
With kind regards,
Daniel de Kok
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