Subject: Traslate the guide to spanish
To: None <>
From: Humberto Vladimir Munoz Rueda <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 07/09/2003 15:19:42
I am member of the BSD user group of the Universidad Distrital Francisco 
Jose de Caldas (Bogota - Colombia) and we wish to help you in the 
translation of the NetBSD guide, we like to know if somebody is working in 
translate the guide or is necessary to initiate a new translation. 
Vladimir Munoz 
Correo Estudiantil - Ingenieria de Sistemas
Portal de Ingenierias - Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas

Proyecto dirigido por Decano Facultad Ingenieria: Ing. Jose Nelson Perez Castillo, Doctor en Informatica
Proyecto ejecutado Por: Yimer Roldan Carvajal